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A little bloodsucker in action
Image via Canva

Mosquito Day is not a celebration of the winged curse of summer in temperate climates during the warm time of the year and pretty much year-round in the tropics. 

Rather, Mosquito Day is promote awareness of how to deal with these little bloodsuckers that are vectors for various diseases.

As for locally, for a change Quincy has enjoyed a somewhat less ugly summer of ravenous mosquitos this year. 

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A bloodsucker and some of his flying friends
Image c/o iStock

For example, while Quincy was the venue for the first mosquito found to be carrying  West Nile Virus in Massachussetts this summer, further such findings have been few as well as similarly so far few for more dangerous Equine Encephalitis Virus.

While earlier this year was wet and rainy, things then went a bit dry for mosquito propagation when the weather warmed to prime conditions for mosquito larva to successfully mature. 

Unclear, however, is if the recent spate of rain will give rise to a late batch of the little blighters.

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