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— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
The City of Boston settled on the courthouse steps a years long ongoing sexual harassment lawsuit involving a now former City of Boston Chief of Public Health per reports in both the Boston broadsheet and Boston’s tabloid.
The settlement?
A million dollars will be paid to the accuser to see the lawsuit go away.
In turn, will such register in Quincy’s City Hall?
Per a dime dropped the Quarry’s way recently, rumor has it that a new position in the City of Quincy Municipal Finance Department added per the Koch Maladministration’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget was concurrently planned to be filled by a connected former city employee.
A former city employee who is said to have been walked out of the building a handful of years ago and then cut off from the public trough over inappropriate behavior involving someone of the opposite sex.
Needless to say, not only is such a purported rehire by the Koch Machine a head scratcher, if the purported rehire was rehired and then again misbehaves such baits the potential for an enhanced damages claim situation.
A seriously enhanced claim and thus likely to be painful for local taxpayers who would end up stuck with paying for it if such the claim either prevailed in court or ended up settled.
And speaking of harassment within the City of Boston’s public health operations, Quincy’s Public Health Department has its own purported hostile workplace problem.
Specially, another dime was dropped Quincy Quarry’s way that roughly a year and a half ago a City of Quincy Public Health Department employee was suspended with pay over purportedly striking a co-worker while on the clock.
Further, the purported striker is said to still be suspended with pay as apparently no other city department will take her.

“Jet Blue Flight 203 cleared for takeoff”
A file photo
But not to worry for her as this individual is said to be a third generation member of a politically connected Quincy-based family with a family name that ends with a vowel.
That and purportedly how she thus now has plenty of free time as well as a steady cash flow to do some traveling as well as to do so at her leisure.
Keeping it classy as ever! Shelling out big bucks over sexual harassment allegations – it’s almost like a new form of municipal tax. Maybe the city should just budget for these payouts every year, right alongside pothole repairs and snow removal. Nothing says “we care about our employees” quite like writing a massive check to silence the aftermath of workplace misconduct. Here’s a thought: how about investing some of that money into prevention and proper training? Nah, too logical. Carry on, Boston, you’re doing great… at draining the taxpayers’ wallets, that is.