Still Image via WHDH video
— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

TV Camera man, center right, lugging a camera keeping pace with a court officer, center left, in hot pursuit.
A still image from WHDH video
While security was tight at Dedham Superior Courthouse on Monday until after the Karen Read trial was declared a mistrial, an alleged perp facing a hearing in adjacent Dedham District Courthouse tried to escape.
Law-abiding Karen Read supporters wearing pink were most helpful to both court officers and police officers in hot pursuit after the fleeing alleged perp.
At least as hot as possible by those officers pursuing on flat feet whereas a TV news camera man was able to keep pace while lugging a large professional broadcast grade video camera over his shoulder.
Breaking:Prisoner who escaped from Dedham District court moments ago is now back in custody after racing through the crowd of Karen Read supporters camped outside superior court and still waiting for a verdict #7News
— Steve Cooper (@scooperon7) July 1, 2024
Also in pursuit were bicycle police officers.
Quincy Quarry confirmed the first two bike officers were Massachusetts State Police officers via a frame by frame instant replay review of the news video, however, it was impossible to determine what police department the third and lagging far behind police officer is a member.
In any event, after a short pursuit by officers on foot, on bicycles, and in police cruisers, the alleged perp was apprehended and is now facing not only his original charges, but also charges tied to his endeavoring to escape.
Wow, nothing screams “I’m totally innocent” like trying to flee the courthouse. It’s almost like a scene from a bad sitcom—just without the laugh track. And speaking of fleeing, how about those Karen Read trial jurors? Looks like they took a cue from our daring escape artist. Maybe next time, the courthouse should install revolving doors to accommodate all the dramatic exits. It’s almost as if Dedham is auditioning for the next season of “Escape Artists Anonymous.” Stay classy, Dedham.