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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
As most everyone in the know expected, the Quincy City Council rolled over and approved an 89% raise for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and so made him one of a handful or so best pad mayors in the country as the mayor of the only 327th largest city in the country.
Such a deal for someone who has run up the City of Quincy’s debt load fourfold, increased city spending by 10% in FY 2024, and imposed an 8.3% property tax increase on local homeowners’ this calendar year!
Obviously, the pay raise was not tied to performance.
Not in a way that flies anyway.
Even more problematic, the raise will give rise to a roughly $1.3 million unfunded pension obligation.
But what the hay, such is the true Quincy Way!
Speaking of the Quincy Way, the City Council approved for themselves a 49% raise on their part-time at best side hustles doing as Mayor Koch — well — “incents” them to do as he wants.

(“A little something for you for taking better care of me”)
“A Friend In Need” by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge
In other words, city council members are cannon fodder.
Then again, as a showing of faux contrition, the council reduced their proposed 59% raise to a mere 49%.
Not that local taxpayers are going to forget all of this grifting when city council members seek reelection in seventeen months whereas the term in office as the mayor in Quincy is a four year gig.
After all, Karma is a — well — you know …
They didn’t just roll over — they were drooling at the prospect of their own money grabs.
Imagine being able to vote yourself a 49% raise. Apparently voting themselves a 59% raise “wouldn’t look good”.
Comment *giving themselves a hefty pay raise. They are doing exactly what the Clowns on Beacon Hill (State House) can do which is give themselves a hefty pay raise of their own choice!
True, but not even statehouse grifters would give themselves 49% raises, much less the 89% grifted by our shameless mayor. Plus, when Beacon Hill denizens do give themselves raises at least they couch them as for enhanced new leadership positions such as Deputy Third Assistant Majority Whip or some other such twaddle.