Image credit: Cassius Marcellus Coolidge’s famous painting A Friend in Need
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

OK, who wants a sardine?
A file folder
Quincy’s City Council voted to approve an 89% pay raise for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch on W2 form and pension calculation basis, a raise that wil make Quincy’s peerless mayor of the but 327th largest cities in the country one of the best paid mayors in the country.
Needless to say, on a performance-based basis, paying Mayor Koch $285,000 a year starting in 2025 to make a mess of things in Quincy is more than a bit much. A lot more than too much.
After all, if Koch had scored such an outsized pay raise last year instead of this year after the mayoral election last fall someone else would likely be receiving it.
At the same time, as predicted by Quincy Quarry, the City Council trimmed their proposed only 58% raise.
They instead posed and then approved a modest $3,000 trimming of their proposed raise to a mere 49% increase and so a final $47,500 annual salary for a part-time side hustle that requires little more than complying with the mayor’s wishes as opposed to the concerns of their constituents’ concerns.
Guilt perhaps, however ultimately minimally repentant?
After all, for but a few examples from among many at least pinky ring kissings, the City Council has long agreed to all of Mayor Koch’s spending asks and which lead to a duly counted as record-breaking 10% city spending increase in FY 2024.
In turn, such over the top spending resulted in an 8.3% property tax increase for the typical local homeowner, an increase surely inadvertently not officially acknowledged until after last fall’s elections.
Obviously, the play by the City Council is that people will forget about the raises and ugly property tax increases both imposed and impending come their reelection bids in 2025.
That as well as surely at least certain councillors are already surely at least pondering how to succeed Mayor Koch when certain among the council hope to succeed the now all but unreelectable Mayor Koch.
Plus, such would secure most any such pretender with a greater to much greater salary than they are currently making at their current day jobs..
Not to worry about Tommy Tax and Spend, however, as he has managed to set himself up to grift himself an 89% pension pop that pencils out to $21,000 more in annual payouts than what the current Mayor of Boston is currently paid to run seven times larger city than Quincy.
Obviously, Mayor Koch is unaware of how such machinations played out badly for the players in Bell CA.
Ah, Quincy City Council at it again with the predictability of a sunrise. Shocking—absolutely shocking—that they’ve managed to finesse yet another payday for themselves. Who would’ve thought public service could be so lucrative? Must be nice to have your hands in taxpayers’ pockets while pretending to “serve” the community. Maybe next time they can just skip the pretense and set up a GoFundMe for their personal yachts. Bravo, Quincy Council, for keeping the tradition of self-serving governance alive and well.
As they’ve said — the raise wasn’t for themselves (gag, barf) it was for future candidates and future council members. Jesus Christ, what sanctimonious bastards.
Do you want to sign a petition repealing the raises? Email [email protected]