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Is this the face of someone deserving an a 88% raise and pension pop?
Image via WHDH Channel 7
After weeks of all but invariably negative public opinion, consistently negative Quincy Quarry coverage, leaning towards negative coverage in the South Shore broadsheet, and even publication of critical letters to the editor by the weekly tabloid, tonight Mayor Koch’s proposal for a gobsmackingly stupendous pay raise is scheduled for consideration by the City Council tonight.
How breathtaking a pay pop?
The ask that would boost his anticipated annual pension by 88% to $228,000 and thus $77,000 more than his current salary. In turn, net/net a 51% greater pension than his current salary.
At the same time, the text of the actual enabling ordinance for the massive pay pop is not noted in the online published agenda for tonight’s meeting.
Then again, conversely neither is consideration of the concurrently proposed near 50% pay pop for City Councillors noted in the listing of things on for tonight’s council but the enabling ordinance is included within the detailing of the matters up for consideration tonight.
Surely but coincidences, however.
In any event, for a sense of proportion, Mayor Koch’s pay increase ask is both over $26,000 more than what is paid the mayor of New York City as well as would be a salary greater than a modest few mayors in the United States even though Quincy only ranks 327th on by population ranking of cities nationwide.
Regardless, Quincy Quarry expects a much greater attendance at tonight’s meeting, likely at least a couple of local broadcast news crews trolling for person on the street commentary, and at least one reporter from one of the two major Boston print media.
After all, it is not often that news media have a potential Bell CA pigging out at the public trough story come their way.
I don’t want him getting that kind of a pay increase!!!!!
He doesn’t deserve it. I live in senior housing in the City of Quincy and we barely have any connection to the Mayor. He doesn’t even come here once a year. Doesn’t do anything for us and he yet wants a huge pay raise!!!!! I can’t get to City Hall but I want this brought up. I hope someone asks this question!!!! All these high rise apartment buildings that he has seen built in the city. Most locals can’t rent them. as they don’t have that kind of money?
I don’t see much in the way of increases in my income and any increase I get from my Social Security , ends up paid to the Quincy Housing Authority For supposed improvements. I can barely afford to live on my Social Security living in public housing! He wants an eighty-eight percent pay raise. Guess what, so do I but it’s not happening.
I am disgusted, absolutely disgusted! I will get all the seniors I know to them not vote to reelect him or any of the city councilors who vote for this outrageous pay raise!
I think most people agree he is due a raise after 10 years. The real question is how much. They compared him to multiple positions in other towns but Koch has Mr Walker — they never mentioned his salary. If there is no issue then put it to the voters.
It’s all Koch and mirrors with huge dollops of fractional truths conflated into purported whole truths. In turn, Walker is paid decent bucks to shovel it.
Ah, tonight’s grand finale of the “Mayor Koch Raise Protests” saga – who needs Reality TV when you have local politics? It’s truly heartwarming to see our tax dollars at work funding not just the mayor’s hefty raise, but also the inevitable cleanup of the aftermath. Will he make a cameo at his own protest? Will there be popcorn? Or are we all supposed to just sit back and pretend this isn’t the most predictable plot twist ever? Kudos to the organizers for their dedication – maybe their next project can be a protest against the absurdity of it all. Here’s hoping the climax is worth the hype, but let’s be real, we’ve seen this show before.
“Survivor” just celebrated the 24th anniversary of its premiere on CBS and the even more poorly acted as well as even more poorly scripted “The Batchelor” had its 22nd anniversary on ABC earlier this year. As such, don’t be surprised if Quincy Quarry’s treatment for “Scandal, Quincy Edition” is picked up for a season on Netflix. The only problem that has come up while taking meetings and doing lunch is that Hollywood suits are having trouble believing that the storyline is non-fiction.