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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary


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Once a hospital, now an apartment complex community center
Image via Steward Healthcare

In the wake of Quincy Quarry News reporting on an expensive reskinning of a surely leaking newer apartment building in Quincy Center built and owned by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s going away most generous to his campaign fund as well as variously further controversial developers, word of even more leaks elsewhere came Quincy Quarry News’ way.

Specifically, one of Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers dimed a link to a Reddit thread rife with words often NSFW about purported numerous water leaks in a recently completed high rent apartment complex on the former site of Quincy Hospital by one of Mayor Koch’s favorite developers.

These latest leaks make for at least the third such incident of chronic water leaks at a major apartment project built in Quincy by a connected developer in recent years.

byu/bb_meow from discussion

| quincy news

Good luck following the pea …
Image via Margaret Street-Church of Christ

Needless to say, three for three suggests at least a trend.

Such also baits understandable questions as regards quality control by a certain construction company as well as with the efficacy of the inspections imposed by the City of Quincy’s Inspectional Services Department.

As for the tenants of the first known leaking luxury apartment complex and which is located in Marina Bay, they have lodged a class action lawsuit against the building’s owner over the inconveniences they suffered given chronic leaks.

| quincy news

“The mold really sucks …”
Image via Amenity Roofing and Sidling

Inconveniences these serious rent-paying renters have allegedly suffered include mold and which can cause serious problems for those with respiratory issues.

Returning to the latest and third site of leaks, the words posted on Reddit about the leaks at their new high rent for Quincy apartments were — again — often NSFW for a shared workplaces outside of a construction or similar sorts of workplaces where language is known to became salty but is typically tolerated.

For example, in the Quincy Quarry newsroom.

byu/bb_meow from discussion

| quincy news

“Deep Leaks”
An old CBS News image

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on Quincy Quarry to be on the look out for more leaks of any and all sorts as well as then report on same as might be appropriate.

For example, if there are any leaks about leaks at the Hospital Hill apartment developer’s two adjacent projects totaling roughly three hundreds units in total that are fast approaching completion opposite the Quincy Center MBTA station and relying on the former Masonic Temple as their focal point, count on Quincy Quarry to exposé any such leaks.

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