Image via National Day Calendar

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Rat tartare — YUMMMMMM!!!
Image via National Day Calendar

Suffering from unwanted rats and mice? 

Also want a cuddly as well as quiet smaller pet?

Get a ferret!

Today is National Ferret Day!

Ferrets are not only loving and loyal pets, ferrets are also stone cold rat killers.whereas cats have been known to back down to rats.

Especially fat cats.

Ferrets, on the other hand, were domestically 2,000 years ago for their ruthless rodent-killing skills.

And for added bonuses, not only is ferret fur soft. ferrets are low maintenance, easy to housebreak, etc.

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MMMMM!!! Lasagna!!!
A old file photo

Cats, on yet another hand, are known for their “catitude” and which is well-known to anyone who is a dog person.

In fact, about the only shortcoming with ferrets is that they are not effective against two-legged rats.

Unless, that is, they are dropped down such rats’ pants.

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