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— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

Say what?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
Granted, goofing off at work has long been the norm within various City of Quincy departments.
For but a couple of examples, taking care of the Honey Do List by certain connected Department of Public Works employees as well as long-ongoing rumors of city employees at both the Cemetery and Public Building Departments taking care of side hustles while on the clock.
Plus, what with working from home all but institutionalized, goofing off within the dreaded private sector has also become a norm.
Accordingly, goofing off thus warrants highlighting and today is the day!
Further, what better day for long-suffering local taxpayers for officially goofing off than on a Friday?
After all, going with a Friday to officially acknowledge goofing off at work does not add all that much additional to goofing off time at work time.
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