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— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Last Wednesday night Dave Puglisi, an Emmy-winning reporter for WHDH Channel 7, was struck by a motor vehicle while he was walking within a crosswalk at the intersection of Chestnut, Cottage, and Foster Streets with and Daniel Ryan Parkway adjacent to the long-closed Sully’s bar near Quincy District Courthouse.
Life update: I’ll be going off air for a little while. On Wednesday night, I was struck by a car while walking home. I was in the crosswalk about to reach the other side of the road when next thing I knew I was flying through the air. I broke two bones in my spine. I’m home now…
— Dave Puglisi (@DavePuglisiTV) March 11, 2024

A whacked pedestrian
Image via The Staracci Law Group
Needless to say, Quincy Quarry News has offered its media brethren both its best wishes and its assistance as he too has a long ongoing interest in pedestrian and traffic safety.
Ah, another day. A TV news reporter whacked in Quincy Center. It’s like a real-life episode of ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ meets ‘Anchorman.’ Quincy Center: where the headlines are as dramatic as a soap opera, and the reporters are just trying to survive long enough to file their next report. Stay classy, Quincy – or not, because clearly, it’s personal!