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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

We have to get a bigger boat …
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The week started out with six straight eleven foot-plus King Tides.
Fortunately, storm surge did not accompany any of these high tides.
Even better, there was a strong offshore wind during a few of these high tides and so mitigated their impact.
Even so, many of the usual spots around Quincy flooded. Fer example, Newport Avenue near the North Quincy MBTA station as well as both Marina Bay and Squantum were cut off during a number of these high tide events.
Monday night’s City Council meeting, on the other hand, was the low water mark for the week.
How so?
The Koch Maladministration tried to diss the City of Boston for seeking to address potholes and other emergency road repairs along Moon Island Road.
Specifically, along the Moon Island Road Causeway and apparently a few spots along the road on Boston’s wholly-owned Moon Island.
So what for the fact that the City of Quincy has been chiding Boston to address these problems since 2019 even though the problems along City of Boston-owned private road.
The City of Quincy even brought in the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (“MassDEP”) to hector the City of Boston.
While Quincy did so see some delay inflicted upon the City of Boston by MassDEP, Quincy’s grips were ultimately later set aside by MassDEP.
In any event, Team Koch continues to play to Squantum NIMBYs who do not want to see Boston rebuild its Long Island Bridge so that it can resume offering public health services on Long Island.
So what if the law is ultimately on Boston’s side to go forward with its plans.
Next up was Pi Day, a day to celebrate the constant π in particular as well as math in general even though Quincy’s peerless mayor probably thinks PI Day was about pies.
And finally, what would a week in Quincy be without a pedestrian whacking?
Not Quincy!
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