— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
At Monday night’s Quincy City Council meeting the Koch Maladministration waxed at least ironically about the City of Boston opting to effect repairs to Moon Island Road, a private City of Boston roadway that lies within the City of Quincy.
The reason for the Quincy Quarry News’ delay in covering this story?
In a nutshell, Quincy Quarry’s newsroom has been rolling on the floor laughing hysterically for days over the Koch Machine’s attempt to be a pot calling another a black kettle.
After all, many of the mean streets of Quincy are pothole-laden and so posing all manner public safety hazards as well as causing expensive damage to people’s rides.

Potholes in front of Quincy’s Department of Public Works’s headquarters
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
Laughable specific points include that the City of Quincy has been complaining about the very same problems with Moon Island Road since 2019 and which now the City of Boston finally sees as needy of emergency repairs so as to head of the potential for environmental damage.
Especially laughable was the Koch Machine’s claim that it failed to score documents from the City of Boston via a public Records request for information pertaining to Quincy’s concerns about the Moon Island Road causeway.
Why laughable?
Quincy Quarry New’s Public Records requester has a perfect record seeing the Massachusetts Secretary of State seeing that the City of Quincy produce requested public records.
That and the Quarry also knows how the City of Quincy has at best a middling provider of Public Record duly requested public records by others.
In any event, the problems along Moon Island Road were such that Boston opted to go with an emergency repair protocol per Massachusetts Department of Environment Protection (“MassDEP”) regulations so as to effect expedited repairs so as to head off dire concerns of material ending up in the harbor given roadway-related erosion and such.
In other words, Boston decided to address problems that Quincy has long expressed concerns.
Even so, the Koch Machine dissed Boston for not providing details on the repair work planned to address long ongoing problems the City of Quincy has long as well as naggingly known to exist.

Pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis Quincy
A Paramount Television image
Particular amusing was the people living in glass houses tossing rocks angle.
For example, the City of Quincy is currently but a few years into a thirteen year consent agreement with the federal Environmental Protection Agency to effect at least $100 million in repairs in local sewer and drain lines so as to mitigate sewerage and other wastes flowing into the Boston Harbor.
The City of Quincy has similarly been whacked for over a million dollars in fix-it ticket remediations imposed upon the City of Quincy by MassDEP was well as a six figures in costs cease and desist order imposed upon Quincy by the Army Corps of Engineers over clear as well as undeniable wetlands use violations.
In other words, do as one wants rather than as one must by law.
Even so, the Koch Machine expressed high dudgeon over Boston submitting its emergency work notice on a Friday shortly after lunch and to which the City of Quincy was obligated to process within a business day given MassDEP’s regulations for addressing emergency repair needs that pose the potential for environment damage if not repaired.
Instead, Quincy opted to refer the matter to the City of Quincy Conservation Committee meeting day later for its consideration even though per MassDEP regulations mandate that such needed emergency repairs will be made and as soon as possible.
That and in spite of the fact that MassDEP regs behoove that the host municipality to do all that it can to help facilitate seeing the emergency repairs completed as soon as possible..
Accordingly, the City of Boston complained to MassDEP and it then overrode forthwith the City of Quincy’s endeavoring to play The Delay Game by approving the City of Boston’s work plan.
Not to be deterred, the City of Quincy then groused about how Boston was not using “silt socks” to between material ending up in the harbor.

Yet another dumb game plan …
A Warner Brothers cartoon still image via Substack
So what that Boston was at the time but adding granite boulders to the protective rip rap along the Moon Island Causeway with the boulders well beyond what a slit sock could restrain.
Given the complaint, MassDEP had to impose of stop work until it and it alone could quality control Boston’s work sites. In short, the equivalent of an annual sticker inspection for one’s ride.
Simple matter notwithstanding, the Koch Machine then went with an arguable false, if not also paranoiac, rant about how the City Boston was fixing the road in advance of its plans to rebuild the Long Island Bridge on Boston’s dime.
Granted, while the City of Boston continues to press forward with its plans to rebuild its bridge in spite of the City of Quincy long ongoing lodgings of losing challenges, the reality is that the City of Boston also has ongoing operations on Moon Island and the Moon Island Road is its only road access way to Moon island, not to mention that Boston would surely face sanctions if the road failed and so gave rise to environmental damage.
Even so, the City of Quincy then dispatched a Quincy Police Department sergeant to turn away trucks hauling granite boulders to help with repairs given Quincy’s local ordinance that no trucks other than emergency vehicle and regular support supply vehicles can pass through Squantum.
Why just turn back back rather than also cite?
If citations were issued, the City of Boston would then so have a profoundly compelling basis to probably readily prevail in court to see the truck ban tossed as an illegal impinging upon Boston’s grandfathered right to access to Moon and Long islands through Squantum.
That and so further potentially trigger a revisiting of things by the US Attorney’s office to discern if the City of Quincy might be engaging in an ADA violation by so blocking lock Boston’s plans to both reopen as well as expand substance abuse recovery services on Long Island
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The “Anti-Quincy” Quarry strikes again. Nice work!