— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Shortly before 1 pm this afternoon Quincy will be hit by third of six 11 foot-plus King Tide high tides flooding parts of Quincy twice a day until the wee hours of Wednesday morning.
Sunday morning’s 11.6 foot high tide flooded a number of local streets, including cutting off ready access to both Marina Bay and Squantum, with today’s lunch hour high tide also to be a 11.6 foot tide.
The only good bites of news are that today’s high winds are an offshore wind and thus not adding weather-enhanced storm surge on top of this afternoon’s high tide as well as that so far Quincy Quarry News has yet to see any sigh of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch cluttering up social and other media with images of him in his City of Quincy emergency management fleece vest.

FYI, not my fault
A still image from a YouTube video
As for why MIA, one can only assume that even his honor may know that not even he can turn back the tides as well as that his helmet hair was recently shorn at a local charity fundraising event.
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“City of Quincy emergency management fleece vest.”
Can’t stop laughing about that one!