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— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

A Quincy Police cruiser not cruising the mean streets of Quincy
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
After a few days of no known whackings of pedestrians in Quincy by drivers of motor vehicles, this morning around 11:30 AM word was heard by a Quincy Quarry News Citizen Police Scanner Monitor of a pedestrian struck in the vicinity of the intersection of Franklin Street with Water Streets and thus on the edge of the South Quincy part of Quincy.
No word was heard, however, as to the condition of the stuck pedestrians.
In any event, given that pedestrians strikings in the Q are nothing out of the ordinary, this Quincy Quarry Police Scanner Monitor added that word has been heard that a Quincy Police cruiser had been dispatched to Milton Street near Andrew Park in East Milton given a woman calling in with a complaint about a frog.
Unclear, however, if the frog is but an annoying frog or someone who is French.
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