— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
The week past started out with a nor’easter that dropped an inch to upwards of several inches of snow depending on where one resides in the Q.
While pre-storm street brining by the City of Quncy was washed by expected heavy rain before the storm shifted to dropping snow late Sunday afternoon, the City of Quincy still managed to see the modest snowfall cleared from city streets.

Generalissimo el Jefe Alcade Tomas P. Koch
A Quincy Quarry News Photoshop Phun Team meme
The city also saw to it that Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six saw the plaza thoroughly cleared of snow and ice well in advance of Monday’s coronation of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
After all, God forbid that anyone be inconvenienced over attending his coronation for another four year term in office and so surely continuing to run up local property taxes at arguably record rates so as to cover the bills for a number of things open to often ready as well as valid questioning.
Serious qquestioning by at least Quincy Quarry News anyway as it is the last local remaining news media with the stones to actually do so.
For example, how while Snow Team Six was able to well past fastidiously clearing Kim Jong Koch Plaza, the City of Quincy yet again dropped the plow elsewhere.
Specifically, the City of Quincy yet again failed to clear the city’s well-traveled sidewalk along Quincy’s main library’s frontage on Washington Street.
After all, shouldn’t regular folk expect similar consideration as those attending the coronation?
Speaking of suspected criminals, Quincy faced this and that in the way of criminal activity this week.
The big news, however — for football fans anyway as well as has long been expected, the New England Patriots’ longtime head coach BIll Belichick got a pink slip after twenty-four years on the job.
In short, Belichick’s GOAT grade records set notwithstanding, one is only as good as one’s recent win/loss record.
Unless, that is, one’s name is Koch.
In Quincy anyway.
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