Image credit Rafu Shimpo
— News via Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

Shop until you can drop someone else ….
Image via The Limerick Leader
With Black Friday past and many a shopper now icing down injuries suffered during scrums to try to score limited availability super special Black Friday deals, it is now time to plan so as to head off different sorts of damage suffered on Cyber Monday.
Specifically, the scourge that is porch piracy and which in Quincy has metastasized into also looting delivery trucks.
For solid overview of just how costly as well as annoying is porch piracy along with some prevention tips, read here.
And for even more solid suggestions to thwart porch pirates, read even more here.
Finally, worst cases, consider relying on a delivery receiving service or going with in-store will-call pick-up at your convenience when possible as well as viable.
After all, Santa is good but even he is limited when it comes to pulling off Christmas miracles when gifts are hijacked.
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