— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

Front of the backside of a northbound donkey who parked in early voting parking space. Note City Hall employee parking sticker hanging from rear view mirror.
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Quincy Quarry hit the pavement around City Hall to find designated parking for early voters.
So little was provided as well as so poorly signed that finding it took some doing.
Even worse, one of the three actual parking spaces made available for early voters was poached by a City Hall employee. Apparently, the owner of the SUV parked in an early voting parking space forgot the fact that as a city employee one is a civil servant as opposed to someone deserving of the ability to apparently unilaterally override parking rules, especially those set to accommodate voters.
Even more problematic, another of the but three early voting spaces was concurrently found to be taken up by another vehicle with a handwritten note hanging from its inside rear view mirror asserting that the car belonged to an early voting poll worker and so apparently some manner of special parking permit.
Unfortunately, it was impossible to take a clear and legible photo of the letter.
City Hall is also failing to provide parking for disabled early voters, much less also safe parking.

So called parking for disabled early voter
See signage upper right
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Not only was the signage posted to designate where the disabled should park for parking not duly marked for parking, the so-called disability parking space did not provide safe parking by the disabled as the space designated is proscribed from use so as to provide safer or at least smoother transit for MBTA buses passing through the parking lot.
At the same time, the sum of things found by Quincy Quarry News came as no great surprise as word on the ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy is that Koch Machine is doing what it can to see a low voter turnout as such is assumed to be advantageous for its candidate.
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