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John adams statue quincy quarry news photo

A John Adams Statue that is out of sight along Burgin Parkway
Quincy Quarry News file photo image

Today is John Adams’ two hundred and eighty-eighth birthday!

John was born in what was then the town of Braintree in the general vicinity of where McKay’s Restaurant is located in South Quincy and died in 1824 and later laid to rest permanently in a crypt in the basement of the United First Parish Church, better known as the Church of the Presidents, in Quincy Center.

As such, today there will be the usual honoring of the second President of United States as well as a major founder of the United States.

As per past practice, Quincy Mayor Thomas P, and Commander Mathew Miller, the commanding of the Navy Operational Support Center Quincy, will be hosting the combined commemoration of Adams’ birth as well as so provide a stealth campaign photo op for Mayor Koch.

Accordingly, one can only wonder if all four of the Adams family entombed at the Church of Presidents may be spinning in their crypts today.

Woodward school quincy

The long bullied Woodward School for Girls
Quincy Quarry News file photo image

After all, Quincy Mayor Koch has a track record of trying to take undue advantage of the Adams Temple and School Fund, most especially as regards the Woodward School for Girls, the current sole beneficiary of the fund.

First Mayor Koch spent years unsuccessfully fighting the school in court over the City of Quincy’s many decades long unduly tapping the Fund or otherwise taking undue advantage of it.

And more recently, Mayor Koch has seen his huevos end up in another litigation vise over his taking of the Adams Fund’s primary asset, the Adams Academy building.

Hysterical society quincy

The Adams Academy building and current home of the Quincy Hysterical Society
A Quincy Quarry News file photo image

The Adams Academy building is where the Quincy Hysterical Society has long been a tenant at rental rates even sweeter than the parking space leases Mayor Koch has accorded to certain of his campaign fund contributors.

The key squeeze?

Mayor Koch’s curious view that the land underneath the building belongs to the City of Quincy even though the paper trail as well as related court rulings clearly indicate otherwise, not to mention that the city has yet to pay out a dime for the building but has taken title to the whole of the property via eminent domain, much less offer a proper price for the property.

But not to worry as regards such predatory grifting of the Adams Fund’s assets and thus the school girls at the Woodward School for Girls. 

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The City of Quincy’s legal team …
An old Columbia Pictures image

Simply put, Quincy Quarry and many others expect that in due course that Adams Fund will likely as well as yet again prevail in court against the Koch Maladministration, a maladministration that has what appears to be perfect record of losing numerous trial court case rulings against that it then took up on appeal.

Unfortunately, while the Adams Fund is likely to win its case upon appeal and so receive its due, local taxpayers will likely then find themselves on the hook to pay out at least several million in damages likely to be concurrently enough awarded to the fund and who only knows how much to cover the legal expenses of both sides of this dispute given Mayor Koch’s latest pressing of a bad hand in court.


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Image via iStock

At the same time, there may be a plan for Mayor Koch to make amends with the Adams Family — in his mind anyway.

How so? 

Mayor Koch’s grandest Edifice Complex of a plan to date by seeing an Adams Family museum built on the Adams Academy property and adjective parcels.

In turn, Quincy Quarry projects a working all-costs inclusive cost to both build and properly endow such a facility as likely to run in the neighborhood of $200 millions, a figure which does not include a similar amount for Mayor Koch’s pipe dream of seeing President Adams’ personal library relocated from the care and conservancy of the Boston Public Library and then relocated to his planned museum. 

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“Father is not amused”
An old photograph image of John Quincy Adams

Quick and dirty, figure another $200 million or thereabouts to acquire the John Adams library collection from the control of the Adams Fund and thus giving rise to a grand total cost roughly twice or more than Mayor Koch’s grandiose as well as financially impractical proposed tower to jointly house City Hall and Quincy College.

But not to worry for Quincy taxpayers for a change.

Per source on the wall for such things, it has come to Quincy Quarry News’ attention that the proposed Adams Library steering committee has apparently reached out to a hoped for funding source in California’s Silicon Valley with a Quincy connection. 

Koch voguing with city workers

Leading the way to Chapter 9 with French Cuffs rolled-up?
An old Facebook photo

So what, apparently, for the fact that this approached funding source’s mission statement is to fund other sorts of things to benefit different, if not also greater, societal goods than a museum.

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