— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
Early voting for this year’s local elections has begun.
To this event, Quincy Quarry News is proud to publish the unvarnished observations of one of its regular comment posters and which follow.
Saturday 10/28/2023. What a beautiful fall day in Quincy today with temperatures getting into the 80’s with bright sunshine.
As I was not sure I would be in town on voting day, I decided to travel down to City Hall and cast my votes via early voting.

Mayoral election opponents. City Councillor Anne Mahoney, left; incumbent Mayor Koch, right
Conjoined images

Taking care of City Hall voters?
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
I parked my car in the parking lot adjacent to City Hall right in front of the Quincy Center T station.
It was quite the scene. Campaigners surrounding the walkways leading into City Hall carrying election signs predominantly for both Mayoral candidates. There had to be at least a hundred of them and they were all over the place in the mall area outside City Hall.
On my walk in, I was even greeted with a “hello” from Mayor Koch in person which was a surprise.
I am not 100% sure, but I thought I saw Mayor Koch’s opponent, Councillor Anne Mahoney chatting with some people prior to my entering Quincy City Hall to cast my vote.
Upon leaving, I headed out towards the historic United First Parish Church where two former U.S. Presidents along with their wives lie entombed in the basement.
Yes, I thought Quincy is indeed a very historic city.
As I continued on this little loop back to my car, I passed two park benches that were side-by-side and each one had a person sprawled on it sleeping.
One had a pillow and was covered with coat or blanket with what looked like a hood over the head of someone obviously male.
This person had left a partially full clear plastic container containing food on the sidewalk immediately in front of his park bench.

A Black Live Matters peaceful protest at the Church of the Presidents
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
Prior to entering City Hall to cast my vote, I did notice a Quincy Policy Officer on foot making his rounds through the people entering and leaving City Hall presumably to cast their votes among the surprisingly large number of campaigners carrying signs for various candidates.
So, yes there was a police presence here as expected with this large crowd at this early voting event at approximately 11:00 AM.
Yet, there were two people sleeping on a park bench not more than 10 or 15 yards away from where Mayor Koch had previously greeted me on my way into vote with at least one Quincy police officer patrolling this area within the mall.
As I strolled my way back to my car, I thought to myself is this what Quincy is coming to?
Experiencing discrimination when endeavoring to vote in Quincy? File your complaint via the EAC website https://civilrights.justice.gov/ or by telephone toll-free at 800-253-3931.