— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary
The week that just was opened with Quincy Quarry News opining that perhaps a local legal pot shop’s buy one/get one free sales promotion suggests that perhaps sales are not what they could be at this legal pot shop venue which is all but perfect for commuting marijuana users who live in shoreline communities south of Quincy that do not have legal pot shops.
Then again, maybe such customers are absent-minded.
Next up, the Koch Machine upped its reelection season gaming by going negative with false narratives that Quincy Quarry News laid to waste as the Big Lies and worse that they are.
Not just once, but twice.
First up, Quincy dissected a list of dubious at best allegations posed by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch in his most recent campaign mailer that is both burdening local mail carriers as well as surely adding to the City of Quincy’s trash disposal expenses.
Particularly amusing was how not only were Koch’s eight allegations deeply flawed, the underlying bases of the allegations are far more readily viewed as a laundry list of kochings-up by the Koch Maladministration and so taking deflection to a new level of arguable venality.
And as for the second skewering, claims of success posed by Mayor Koch over the course of his overly long tenure in office were exposéd by Quincy Quarry News as he had clearly failed to do his homework about the state of local public education.
Then again, such is only reasonable to expect from a Quincy Junior College dropout as well as one whose overall record is similarly indefensible.

The twin mounds at the site of the proposed healthcare facility
Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
Next up, what would October in an election year be without an October Surprise?
The not so surprising surprise?
A mayoral presser announcing the fourth attempt to redevelop an empty lot across the street from Stop and Shop’s office building — a presser foisted by an incumbent with high negatives — on something that will not break ground in 2025.
If that is, all manner of things needed to happen first actually happen.
And as for the wrap, what is a week in Greater Boston without usually breaking badly bad news© involving the MTBA?

Worrisome spalling in the Quincy Center Red Line station ceiling
Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
Not a week in Greater Boston!
The T delivered with both a twofer as well yet another train wreck.
The twofer was a second Koch Machine October surprise talking up the long overdue renovation of the even longer forlorn Quincy Center MBTA station.
So what for the fact that what was announced was but a first tentative step in what will be a many years long trip if these plans actually pan out as planned even if the plans are still in works.
Then again, as well as again, it is October in a local election year …

A track gauge spreader
An Aldon Company image
And as for the other half of the twofer: how the MBTA looks to have set a new low at koching-up at something as basic as laying new track on the Green Line Extension.
How low?
On the order of burning water when endeavoring to but boil it.
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