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— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Sideways AND dead
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In the wake of Quincy Quarry News’ pounding the City of Quincy’s Department of Natural Resources with a handful of exposés over arboreal abuse variously inflicted by the Department of Natural Resources upon helpless young trees along Washington Street — including yet another senseless chainsaw massacre, the local weekly print tabloid has announced that the City of Quincy has commissioned a vendor to conduct an inventory of city trees.
Needless to say, one can only assume that the count of city trees along city streets will not take all that long.
Also needless to say, the Department of Natural Resources was probably not maintaining a database on the trees it has planted in recent years.
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Can’t they count them with Google Earth? That would give the Forestry Department Arborist team something to do while working from home. 20,000 trees in the ROW they say and they are going to size, species ID and rate the condition of all them all. That should make quite a spreadsheet that will never be maintained. This is another “we don’t repair roads, we rebuild them” moment. “We don’t maintain trees, we count them”. When will they do this to the turf on every field (that is covered with goose feces). How do we allow our children to get tackled in this crap?
No offense, but why not just keep a running log on the trees planted during Koch’s dozen years as the head of Parks and Recreation and near 16 yeas as mayor?
Oh dopey me, that would provide hard evidence that tree planning mortality rates have been woeful on his watch.
Slightly off topic, but it is now clear why the city took down all the trees and other vegetation on Russell Park a year or so ago . It was to replant and make an “improved” environment for the future denizens of the buildings under construction at the top of the street.
Sure, why not kill the beautiful, shade providing mature trees, and provide boring, high maintenance vegetation for people who don’t even live there yet.
How much will the “vendor” be paid to count the trees. Will they count only live trees? And of course we know who’s going to pay for this “service”.
But, but — I have to create jobs for connected peeps’ idiot sons-in-law.
Quincy is becoming a concrete city, much like it is in DC. Trees are a pain in the ass. Concrete is the word. All things in Quincy will be made of it and the buildings will look like Legos. After all, this is how engineers are developed these days. Chinese are into quantum physics, look at the kids we produce.