— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
As we head into the late summer hack holiday that is Labor Day, Quincy Quarry News keeps laboring away with hard-hitting to the stones exposés.
First up, so as to up its output, Quincy Quarry rolled out QuarryChatGPT and which the Quarry plans to utilize to help it increase its output of exposés.
While the Quarry’s geeks are continuing to revise QuarryChatGPT’s algorithms as well as working on developing better skills at crafting report generation requests, the Quarry has great hopes to see QuarryChatGPT take on lesser stories and so free up its staff be better able to crack bigger stones.
Next up, Quincy Quarry News Mobile Two happened upon someone on the tarmac at the East Squantum Street entrance to Marina Bay as well as who clearly appeared to have been whacked by a motor vehicle while likely not himself in another vehicle.
Fortunately, the person on the tarmac did not appear to be seriously injured.
Bad news continued when a local citizen journalist provided both word and images of what appeared to be a migrant family both dumped and so left lost on the ever-increasing mean streets of Quincy.
So mean was the lack of a reception of this wandering about family even one of the Quarry’s not exactly change-friendly commenter came away with a change of heart to the good.
Next up, care of Quincy Quarry continuing to follow the latest chainsaw massacre triggered by the City of Quincy, the Quarry so found out that at least some of the young massacre victims are hanging onto life by a leaf.
Such in turn confirmed the Quarry’s exposing of the chainsawing of healthy young trees along most of Washington Street even if the big dog at Quincy’s Department of Natural Resources appears to mistakenly believes differently.
Then again, it should come as no great surprise to the Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers that none of the many things that go wrong in Quincy are yet again not the Koch Maladministration’s fault.
And finally, this week featured Worcester County-based Turtleboy Sports came to Quincy to picket the Norfolk County District Attorney’s annual pre-Labor Day weekend barbecue at the Adams Inn.
While “Doctor Turtleboy” for the most part sorta/kinda stayed on the public sidewalk protesting, Quincy Quarry News scored exclusive images of the barbecue.
That and the Quarry’s mole attending the soiree reported that Quincy Mayor Thonas P. Koch did not attend the barbecue and so for a change gobsmackingly passed on a free meal.

“It’s my town and I’ll park wherever I want to, park where I want to”
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
In fact, it appeared that no one from within La Kocha Nostra’s inner circle attended the event.
Rumor has it the Koch Machine’s chicken boyos apparently did not care to risk a confrontation with Turtleboy or have their rides’ license plate numbers recorded.
That or are simply unconformable around prosecutors.
Very uncomfortable.
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