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— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey announced via a prepared statement the opening of the second migrant center in the state in Wollaston on Monday.
The center will be based in vacant dorm capacity at Eastern Nazarene College and thus in middle of one of Quincy’s better as well as quiet residential neighborhoods.
The faculty is slated to house as many as 58 immigrant families and so will likely result in as yet unknown impacts on the enrollment levels at Beechwood Knoll Elementary School, Central Middle School, and North Quincy High School.
While probably few relatively other problems may result from opening up this residential facility, one cannot help but assume that rolling out this announcement at least all but out of the blue on a Monday and thus at the start of the weekly news cycle will unintentionally help to fuel pushback from Wollaston residents over this done deal of a deal.

Where’s Tommy? If you know, please contact Quincy Quarry News via
A Quincy Quarry News
Also disconcerting is no word out of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch about Governor Maura Healey’s announcement.
After all, Mayor Koch has long worked to curry favor with Governor Healey going back at least as far as during her tenure as the Attorney General of the Commonwealth in what one can only properly view as among the strangest of political bed partners.
In turn, one can thus only reasonably assume that the Governor probably gave Tommy a head’s up on opening up a residential facility for homeless migrants in all but literally the middle of a quiet Quincy neighborhood.
Then again, Mayor Koch did at least tacitly help to facilitate the opening of a residential drug rehab center elsewhere in Wollaston and so did the connected owner of the venue a solid as the owner was so able to score a tenant for his long all but vacant property.
Fortunately, after a rocky start, operation of this rehab facility was taken over by long-established and successful rehabilitation services provider.
On the other hand, Mayor Koch has spent upwards of a million or more, all costs duly counted, in his kochotic quest to fight the City of Boston’s plans to rebuild its Long Island Bridge so that it can resume ready access to Long Island so it can operate a drug rehab facility on the island for likely also many homeless individuals.
After all, as much as a couple of miles or so away from the backyards of Squantum in the middle of the harbor is both too close and too much for Squantum residents, unarguable rights of the City of Boston to rebuild its bridge on its dime and so access its wholly-owned island notwithstanding.
Accordingly, perhaps Governor Healey is now stealthily slipping a shiv into the soft underbelly of Mayor Koch on behalf of the City of Boston during a local election year.
Regardless, surely Mayor Koch is not exactly ecstatic over Eastern Nazarene’s involvement with the plans to open a migrant residential facility in a quiet and modestly residential Wollaston neighborhood in the wake of his doing the college a solid via his $6.8 million purchase several years ago of the long ongoing white elephant of a property at 180 Old Colony that Eastern Nazarene had long been trying to unload as well as Koch’s taking over a handful of years earlier of another white elephant property holding of the college to then repurpose as a part of the current Central Middle School campus.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry will thus continue to monitor this breaking story and then report on any consequential findings as might be appropriate, especially as so far none of the other Quincy media have yet to report on the announcement of the impending opening of a migrant residential facility in heart of Wollaston.
How long until we hear Eastern Nazarene is going out of business? This was necessitated move to help with low enrollment and a need for cash. Also will there be any student pushback with many students losing their single dorm rooms?
Be sure to note that Mayor Koch did Eastern Nazerene two solids previously.
One was buying from the Naz the property where the Egg and I mainly breakfast restaurant used to be and the property was then used to help create a new home for Central Middle School.
And the other was Koch buying the Naz’s long ongoing white elephant at 180 Old Colony for repurposing as a Quincy Public Schools facility for students on the Autism Spectrum. This initiative is running many millions more than the original promised cost projections, is also running upwards of a couple/three years behind schedule at this point with worse yet only reasonable to expect, and the school is further looking likely to end up not working out to save money as was touted.
Finally, apparently Naz students were not using the dorm space to soon be used for migrant housing. At the same time, early next week the Quarry will be running a story about how a several years non-student low-income tenant in the dorm was apparently evicted to make room for the impending migrant housing program.
What will Anne do? We all know what Koch does, this one is hiding like Biden does. Get our front and tell us what you would do differently. Or, I will vote for Koch.
With Koch looking to yet again spend stupid money (and which is his go to move for most EVERYTHING btw) to buy his reelection, it is hard for Anne to get the word out. At the same time, Labor Day is the traditional start of the campaign season. Even so, rumor has it that Anne is already out door knocking, something which Tommy is loath to do and most especially so in my neighborhood of late.