— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
While the informal end of summer that is Labor Day is the traditional beginning of voters shifting towards consideration of how they may vote in November elections, Quincy Quarry News has launched its latest poll to test the waters for this year’s two candidates who are facing off in Quincy’s mayoral election: longtime incumbent Tom Koch and his challenger at-large City Councillor Anne Mahoney.
After all, the Quarry is all but invariably running ahead of the pack of local media.
Way ahead of the pack.
In any event, this year voters will be deciding if Mayor Koch’s expiration date has been reached or if Mrs. Mahoney’s third bid will be the charm, not to mention that at the end of the day this is the only local election this year that matters as regards the future of Quincy.
As such, Quincy Quarry hope that its ever-growing legions of loyal readers review the automated poll inquiry form below, click their choice from the options, and then hit submit.
Also note that Quincy Quarry News has upped its game as regards its polling security.
For example, the geeks working in Quincy Quarry’s online security unit have come up with ingenious ways to at least greatly mitigate bots from spamming this poll with faked responses.
In particular, the Quarry’s geeks developed code that rejects spammed fake poll responses purportedly submitted by the long-departed residents in Quincy’s Ward 7, also known as Mount Wollaston Cemetery.

A stealthily captured webcam image of a hacker thwarted by Quincy Quarry’s online security unit
A Quincy Quarry News security file photo Image
Similarly, not only have the geeks also already scored everything about the primary servers for the various local candidates’ online campaign sites, the Quarry’s tech pros have further developed an AI-based online activity monitor which tracks any and all trafficking efforts endeavored via these campaign sites.
Additionally, this code tracks all of those who engage in online communication with these sites as well as auto tabulates these communications.
Further, the Quarry’s encryption unit is at the ready to crack any encryption used by these parties for their online communications above and beyond what has already been decrypted and then also duly tabulated so as to have these data at the ready for possible future use(s) as might be needed.
Of particular note as regards the Quarry so easily scoring access was the rampant use of the weak passwords such as “1234” and the like.
Especially helpful to cracking access was that one campaign in particular looks to have failed to up its online security protocols even after certain among its posse who were at the heart of the City of Quincy’s so-called online security but which was hacked to score a $3.5 million cyber heist via what clearly appears to have been a relatively simple and unsophisticated Business Email Compromise (BEC) phishing scam.
Even worse, the stolen funds were not even known to have been stolen for over a handful of months until care of other shortcomings the Massachusetts Public Employees Retirement Commission ordered an audit be done on all of the interrelated accounts as the germane records where in what one can only charitably describe as in a shambles.
In short, while local officials are all too often asleep at the switch, Quincy Quarry is relentless in its efforts.
Can you say human trafficking?
Why did Quincy have 24 licensed massage parlors before the feds stepped in?
We still don’t know what was in the storage locker that the feds searched and seized items found in it — the one storage facility next to the Goal Post as well as one of the 24 licensed and inspected massage establishments during Mayor Koch’s watch.
Can you say dozens of DNA samples!
Living in Quincy is stressful and thus one could use a rub and a tug.
Actually I’m an investigative journalist and interviewed girls as young as 14 being used as sex slaves right here in Quincy. The multiple systems of human trafficking were all known to the then Attorney General, our Now governor who is an unindicted co-conspirator in this massive probe. That isn’t the only corrupt koch schemes she covered up there are many others. It is amazing the apathy which exists so excuse me if I don’t find any humor in your comments as the 14 year old recalled servicing “the man in the uniform.” How stupid are people to keep electing a corrupt Cabal?
This is great! Now he can see how badly everyone dislikes him.