— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Generalissimo el Jefe Alcade Tomas P. Koch: “I could tax you (even, ed.) more.”
A Quincy Quarry Photoshop Phun Team meme
While out and about on the mean streets of Quincy, Quincy Quarry personnel fortuitously happened upon property appraisal personnel out and about working a local ‘hood so as to update the City of Quincy Appraiser’s database in advance of levying 2024 local property taxes.
The Quarry reporter also chatted up this understandably skittish team of appraisal peeps.
In any event, this photo grab turned out to be extraordinarily timely.
How so?
The quants on the Quarry’s Financial and Other Affairs desk have been working up an exposé on what local homeowners should expect in the way of property tax bill increases come 2024 given Quincy Mayor Thomas “Tommy Tax and Spend” Koch’s record breaking going away duly adjusted 9.7% city spending increase from FY 2023’s lesser but still considerable spending increase care of approval last month by the invertebrate Quincy City Council of Koch’s lard-laden Fiscal Year 2024 budget.
While not caring to tip its hand on this latest exposé of the Koch Maladministration’s profligate ways, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers should still consider this forerunning of a pending Quincy Quarry story as a manner of a spoiler alert as regards the City of Quarry’s impending local property tax increase to all too soon follow this year’s already painful property tax increases imposed upon long-suffering local homeowners.
Why don’t you take a look at the property tax bill of the double dipping cemetery supervisor and his hack wife. Once again rules for some not for all.
Better yet, why not look into property bills of all of the Kochsters and related pay for play players?