News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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Top layer of pavement scrapped away in advance of repaving a short run street
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

In the latest effort to do what can be done to repave as many of Quincy’s all too often both sorry as well as often dangerous local streets in advance of the upcoming fall local elections so that the Koch Maladministration can claim to be on top of things when it has instead long not been, Quincy Quarry News was tipped off to curious as well as inexplicable repaving of but a short run of Washington Street that was in good repair, not to mention especially so for a Quincy Street.

Why odd? 

For starters, this part of Washington Street and more were been fully repaved a few years ago and by policy subsequent cuts in so redone new pavement are not supposed to happen.

The reason for this policy? 

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Road work scene in Quincy Center
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

To encourage Massachusetts municipalities to cost-effectively seek to redo underground utility lines when their replacement is due before repaving streets.

Even so, this run of Washington Street as well as more of it had been cut for underground utility rework after it had been repaved but a few years ago.

In other words, pretty much the same old/same old cavalier maintenance of most any of the all too often sorry streets in Quincy.

Surprisingly, however, there is a bright side: this run of underground utility work cut patches had been surprisingly well-down for a change and thus this run of pavement was not in dire need of repaving.

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Pothole patches masquerading as pavement
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

At the same time, only a short run of Washington Street was repaved.

Further odd, the potholed run of the water side of Elm Street that intersects Washington Street at the site of repaving is far more in need of a repaving but it was not repaved.

Also problematic is how the far better use of taxpayers’ money spent on this repaving would have been to instead install a proper and full set of traffic signals so as to endeavor calm traffic at this accident-prone intersection.

How accident-prone?

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Picking up the dead on Quincy streets …
Image via the Reading Eagle

On top of numerous automotive accidents at Washington Street’s intersecting with Elm Street has been the site of multiple pedestrian strikes, including a particularly gruesome fatal pedestrian striking that occurred one morning right in front of a handful of grammar school students and their adults caretakers who were waiting for a school bus to pick up the students as well as more recently an injury striking of a mother and child crossing the street at this intersection to catch a school.

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