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— News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

Slip sliding away for an extra long holiday weekend …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
With the Fourth of July falling on a Tuesday this year, one can only assume that many senior City Hall suits will be taking a “personal day” on Monday, if not also slip out the back early on Friday so as to maximize a long holiday weekend.
In turn, it will thus be interesting to see if regular local services function smoother given that many Koch Machine commissars will not around and thus not able to weigh in ways typically dysfunctional and/or tukas-covering of their liege lord’s backside or if those left stuck working while the commissars are away will freeze up given the event of something with serious as well as negative implications for the Koch Machine.
In the meanwhile, it has been relatively quiet week in the Q — outside of various first responder responses, that is.
In other words, things are for the most part heading into the Dog Days of Summer.
Needless say, Quincy Quarry will thus be at the ready when shoes all but assuredly drop over an extra-long long holiday weekend.
And in the meanwhile, the Koch Machine has already begun the campaign to reelect its fearless as well as profligate leader.
Specifically, Quincy Quarry’s Publisher was this week junk mailed with what would appear to be the first bulk-mailed Koch reelection campaign flyer.
Then again, such waste is only to be expected with Mayor Koch likely to yet again spend upwards of $700,000 or more to buy his reelection, an amount roughly three times the total of most spent by both mayoral candidates’ in a top ten largest cities in Massachusetts after only properly excluding Boston in the mix for reasons obvious.
And yes, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can rest assured that the Quarry is already on top of who all are “donating” to Mayor Koch’s campaign fund and most especially donations from Allston-based Soviet-era émigré developers who are still kicking in with donations to his campaign fund even after the émigrés were spanked with fines by the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance for making illegal “straw” campaign donations mostly to Quincy’s peerless mayor.
Then again, what with the mayor suffering apparently a disagreement on setting a purchase price for a property within the Quincy Center redevelopment district that is currently owned by the developers and thus now Mayor Koch wants to obtain the property via yet another now looking likely to be a contentious eminent domain taking, what are some but thousands of dollars more in the way of campaign donations on top of over six figures dropped on Mayor Koch to date as well as approaching comparable more in total to other local elected officials so as to grease the negotiations to the Soviets’ eventual benefit on a likely at least seven figure deal.
The longer they’re away the better off we are.
It is so obvious that Mayor Koch has now become so toxic for the City of Quincy; hopefully voters will show that at the polls.