– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
As had long been expected, this past week Quincy’s peerless mayor announced that he will be making yet another run for yet another term as mayor.
Also as long expected, the local weekly tabloid waxed on and on and on even more with all but verbatim obsequious spin from Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s press release over his plans to yet again run for reelection.
At the same time, as well as amazingly, the South Shore broadsheet reprized somewhat less bovine byproduct.
Then again, the ever-shrinking broadsheet so has ever fewer available column inches to publish the party line as well as ever fewer readers.
In any event, if successful in his reelection bid, Mayor Koch will so be set for twenty years in office and thus by most every measure well past his expiration date as far as the exasperation points of many local residents for reasons ranging from ever-worsening local congestion to crime, taxes, traffic, and trafficking.
Unfortunately for challengers, after almost sixteen years in office to date, too long ongoing Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch has long larded up the city’s payroll with hack hires of family, friends and those other connected and so working out to grift himself with around a handful of votes per hire.
The five votes or so expected per hack hire are typically care of grateful family members – and most especially fathers-in-law – who have so seen their idiot relatives hired and so perhaps finally be able to afford to move out of their grateful relatives’ basements.
In turn, such spots incumbent Mayor Koch with around five thousand votes or thereabouts before he even pulls papers to run to for reelection, much less also starts shaking down these hack hires for campaign fund “donations”…
Additionally, after years of doing whatever generous special interests want and so then seeing these same special interests shower down with campaign fund donations, Mayor Koch has so been able raise and then spend as much as over $700,000 on his election campaigns and so be able to fool enough others who are not working for the city or otherwise grifting something to vote for him.
In a germane point, Mayor Koch’s repeated spendings of $700,000 or more likely more all by himself are close to three times as much as the total spent by BOTH mayoral candidates the next most expensive mayoral elections elsewhere in comparable communities in Massachusetts.
Even worse, Koch campaign mailers soon to be koching-up local mail boxes will surely be putting many a local mail carrier out on injury sick leave.
Then again, as one sage local politico has long noted, Mayor Koch has to be the mayor for life as he could be looking at seeing much of the rest of his life wearing orange should a new mayor all but miraculous come into office and so turn over the city’s books and such to authorities if for no other reason than for such a newbie to understandably so opt to cover tukas.
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