– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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Empty nip bottle
Image from a Plymouth ban nips petition story

A husband in Quincy goes off on a nip drinker.

From a Quincy Quincy reader whom the Quarry has agreed to protect the reader’s identify comes a story of arguable chivalrous vigilantism.

Thursday afternoon the Quarry reader noticed a small group of mostly known to the reader ne’er-do-well’s hanging out on a church lawn downing liquor out of mostly nips and pocket-sized small bottles with these containers then casually tossed about randomly as they were emptied of their liquid contents.

The only significance change from the usual past observations of this posse by this Quarry reader was that an unknown female was part of the party as well as likely also partying with drugs which she was looking likely to be at least “sharing” her stash.

| quincy news

The one fingered wave
Image via Jeff Skeens

The Quarry reader was thus considering calling the police but was distracted by a passing heavy-duty dual rear wheel pick-up truck with an arm pointing at the nipsters from the passenger side window.

The truck then circled back around and a sightly larger than average male who looked to be in his late fifties or thereabouts emerged from the passenger side of the truck and then proceeded to scream at one of the much younger nipsters to not treat his wife the way the younger man apparently had done.

It quickly become apparent that the wife of the man from the van works at a nearby package store as well as that the husband’s basta point was passed when the younger man looked to give the husband some lip and so ended up body slammed by the surely adrenaline-fueled husband.

What happened next, however, was a complete surprise. 

| quincy news

Yo soy el mas macho
A file photo

While the nipsters outnumbered the husband by at least five to one, not even one of them came to aid of the body slammed nipster. 

Rather, after husband returned to the pick-up after the body slamming, all of the nipsters moved along after first engaging in some inexplicable fist-bumping.

In any event, while the Quarry cannot publish words of support for so dispensing a street side lesson in proper manners, surely even Miss Manners would find such a schooling understandable even if extralegal.

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