Image via Dr. Craig Conner/The East Hampton Star
– News about Quincy Massachusetts covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

“… so that others may live …”
Image via pxfuel
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: April starts out with a sacrificial lamb?
After a March in Quincy which roared care of all sorts of action, especially on the amateur night that is St. Patrick’s Day, things cooled a bit locally this past week even though the annual spring weather warm-up is fueling the launch of the glory of spring in New England.
The biggest news of the past week, the arrangement of former President Donald Trump over the alleged cooking of his books to pay hush money over past personal affairs sucked up most of the media’s focus.
After all, sex sells and the major media are always at the ready to pander to the public’s prurient and other interests so as to score eyeballs as they need the revenue.
Especially the current evolution of what used to be better known as the print media.
Quincy Quarry, on the other hand, operates per an alternative revenue stream model and is thus able to keep exposing all sorts of other unseeingly affairs by those who might hope that they could slip under the radar.
For example, Quincy Quarry News’ Automotive Desk narrowed the time frame as to when Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch likely scored a new $65,000 or thereabouts ginormous gas-guzzling leather-upholstered black Secret Service Special Edition Chevy Tahoe SUV to probably around Christmas time and as was the case with his two previous taxpayer-funded City Rides.
Apparently nothing is too good or too new for Tommy’s tukas.

“Follow the money” – ALWAYS follow the money
Especially, it would appear, when local taxpayers are stuck with the bill.
And on another front, the Quincy Quarry News Political and other Affairs Desk’s regular review of Mayor Koch’s mandatory filing of his monthly campaign fund activity with the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance and which so found all sorts of things.
Among the things found included two expense items incurred at two local businesses licensed to serve adult libations, expenses that were incurred surely but coincidentally contemporaneous with St. Patrick’s Day.
In short, Erin go Blotto …
As Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers will recall, the Quincy has previously reported a senior Koch Maladministration is said to have commenced exercising his elbow at a gathering apparently hosted by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch at a publick house in Quincy Point and then this official purportedly moved on to a second watering hole in Marina Day where he purportedly then become sloppy.
That and well, overreached with a couple of females who did not appreciate his attention.
Fortunately for him, he is said to have only been taken into protective custody by local police rather than arguably more appropriately arrested for being drunk and disorderly, if not also arguable assault.
Even so, for a bit of irony the Koch Campaign Fund’s books featured an expense item for a $100 outlay on St Patrick’s Day at the site of the purported mashings to cover the tab for a “Public safety meeting.”
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on even more breaking badly bad news© to hit the fan.
For example, expect a major piece of investigative journalism by Quincy Quarry hitting the fan in the coming days into what what one cannot help but only reasonably assume poses potential threats to both public safety as well as local taxpayers’ pockets and which may also have even wider implications.
In short, as well as yet again: Only In Quincy …
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