Image posted in Social Media by James Jr.


| quincy news

“Special interests” are, well, special …
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Quincy Quarry’s Political Campaign Funds desk has long monitored Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s campaign donation account as well as that one person working on this desk has made a number of hits to Mayor Koch’s soft underbelly as regards enhancing his ranking as arguably the most named local or statehouse office holder receiving illegal straw campaign fund donations as well as including one instance wherein the second largest fine ever was imposed upon a straw donation provider.

Unfortunately, unless law enforcement is involved AND someone captures damning statements while wearing a wire as well as so captures recordings of incriminating statements from anyone tied to the candidate or otherwise scores other sorts of damning evidence, all that typically happens to candidates found by the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance to have received an illegal straw campaign “donations” is that the money so “gifted” must disgorge the funds to a qualifying nonpolitical entity of the politician who received the money choosing.

| quincy news

Cash and carry …
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In other words, not even a slap on a wrist.   

This time, however, Quincy Quarry’s campaign funds desk instead uncovered two at least embarrassing expense account items noted in Mayor Koch’s recently filed March campaign fund account report filed with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance.

The two expense account listings were noted as incurred contemporaneously at the two licensed to pour venues.

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The very same venues wherein a senior Koch Maladministration suit is said to have first warned up at one and then relocated to the other venue where he is purported to have ended up placed into protective custody for not just once but rather twice over said to be forcing unwanted advances and more upon two females on St. Patrick’s Day.

Particularly amusing even by expense account grifting practices, one of the expenses, a hundred dollar tab, is noted as for a “Public safety meeting” on St. Patrick’s Day at Marina Bay establishment best viewed as a neighborhood watering hole and where the Koch Machine senior suit is said to have removed after finding himself in protective custody for say we say being sloppy.

In short, as well as yet again, Only in Quincy …

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