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New ride, take it easy
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy Quarry News’ Automotive Desk put the pedal to the metal when given the chance to engage in investigative journalism so as to discern when Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch most likely scored his new $65,000 or thereabouts leather-upholstered and gasoline-guzzling ginormous City Ride.

After years of the Automotive Desk’s spending most of its days screening marketing pimp jobs from automakers masquerading as legitimate press releases so as to score free media exposure by including a lot of typically cheesy cheesecake within their included galleries of new vehicle images, the desk was ready to rollover Mayor Koch.

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March 10 2022 image of the Mayor’s former Secret Service Special Edition ride
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo

In the wake of Quincy Quarry’s Photo Recon Team Six discerning that Mayor Koch had scored himself another new huge greenhouse gas emitting Chevrolet Tahoe Secret Service Edition City Ride, the gearheads on Quarry’s Automotive Desk then scrupulously reviewed available images and so discerned the following information key to this ongoing exposé of the Koch Maladministration’s free-spending ways.

The gearheads’ findings included that the mayor previous also upscale black Chevy Tahoe Secret Service Special Edition was still to be found in the City Hall VIP parking lot until at least March 10 of last year per the date stamp on the Quarry’s adjacent to the right file photo of it.

Further, per their careful review of both various official Chevrolet images as well as Quincy Quarry exclusive images, they suspect that the Mayor Koch’s new Secret Service Special Edition is probably a 2023 model.

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Note dash-dash pattern of the grill in official Chevrolet image of the 2022 Chevy Tahoe, left, but no such dashes in the grill of the mayor’s suspected 2023 Secret Service Special Edition Chevy Tahoe, right.
Click on image to view larger image and thus be able to better see the grill design details

Further yet, given the way the suspected leasing of both Secret Service Special Edition rides most likely were contracted, the 2018 Christmastime arrival time of the mayor’s former ride would suggest that the new ride was likely also a Christmas special.

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The de facto supplier of mayoral City Rides
image via Judy’s Book

Unknown at that this point, however, is who ended up with the old ride as it was very low mileage as well as both clean and damage-free ride.  Needless to say, if it was leased, someone could have scored a sweet end of lease vehicle.

Other than perhaps have to replace the shocks on its driver side, that is.

Also needless to say, Quincy Quarry will continue to work its sources both high but mostly low to endeavor to find out what happened what happened to the otherwise cherry 2018 Secret Service Special Edition mayoral City Ride.

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