St Patrick’s Day revelers at Cronin’s Publick House. Image via Facebook
— Quincy Massachusetts News by Quincy Quarry News – News, Opinion and Commentary

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In the first of two stones busting exposés teased in the most recent Quincy Quarry News’ Weekly Fish Wrap, Quincy Quarry has been advised by multiple sources from its ever-growing pool of sources in places both high but mostly low that a City of Quincy department head would clearly appear to have ended up sloppy and arguably even worse on St. Patrick’s Day.
These sources are also at least generally supported by Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Journalist Police Radio Scanner Monitor.
This clearly patronage hack hire is said to have begun toasting St. Patrick’s Day in the afternoon at Cronin’s Publick House in Quincy Point with Quincy Mayor Koch and various other of his mostly boyo coat holders, other hangers on and kochster wannabes.
This hack is said to have somehow or other then moved on to The Chantey in Marina Bay by a time unknown in the evening as well as was likely by then as green around the gills as in the color of the water in Quincy Bay.
That and sloppy.
How sloppy?
The hack is said to have pressed untoward as well as physical advances on two female patrons at The Chantey.
So unwanted were the advances that one woman’s male companion looked to be all but on the verge of addressing matters when private security as well as a Quincy police officer apparently working a detail intervened.
Pointed admonishments tendered notwithstanding, the misbehaving hack then purportedly moved on to making a nuisance of himself with another female patron.
At this point around 11 pm, the hack was said to have then not only so been 86’ed from The Chantey, he was also apparently taken into protective custody in spite of the fact that placing him under arrest for at least disorderly conduct was clearly a viable, if not also the more appropriate course of action given what all is purported to have happened had the hectored women opted to press charges.
Concurrently, Quincy Quarry News’ Citizen Journalist Police Radio Scanner monitor picked up a radio dispatch from the field noting that “he is one of ours” and then police dispatch pointedly advised the officer radioing in to (cellphone, ed.) call in and so one can only reasonably assume to be able to discuss matters offline.
Adding to an already sloppy hot mess, the hack is said have slurred out “a do you know who I am” along the way.
Such a rookie move is often a bad idea as well as even on occasion in Massachusetts and in this instance purportedly included the hack telling police on the scene that he was giving them a new police headquarters.
Actually, it is local taxpayers who are covering the so far $175 million bill.
That and the cost of which has been burgeoning on this hack’s so-called watch.
As ill-advised as was the hack so apparently misspeaking, including the fact that he is or at least once was an attorney, one of Quincy Quarry’s sources for this latest Quarry exposé also happens to well know as well as has long known the hack and was thus in no way surprised by the hack’s getting snippy.
Further, Quincy Quarry News personnel have long and often noticed this hack hire becoming snippy whenever he has found himself duly hectored while appearing before the Quincy City Council on shortcomings when his department has failed to see its projects finished in a timely manner as promised and/or anywhere close to on budget.
Further yet problematic, the hack was a relatively young widower and so left alone with children to raise. He has since entered into a wholly different sort of new relationship; however, apparently Steve knows better than to go out drinking on the annual amateur night that is St. Patrick’s.
At the same time, Quincy Quarry has no idea if the hack may have ended up on a couch after he ended his purported time in protective police custody.
Quincy Quarry also does not have a copy of the usual standard operating procedure police paperwork for this manner of policy custody.
Reasons include those obvious to Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers as well as why bother trying to score a coy of the report given the distinct possibly that the paperwork work might have already been broomed when the police department recovered from what was a very busy long St Patrick’s Day weekend.
That and how one can only assume a filing for Employee Assistance Program services no later than shortly after this Quincy Quarry News’ expose hit the fan and so be able to take advantage of the privacy veil accorded via both the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and HIPAA regulations in spite of the fact that the City of Quincy has long been koch-blocking such ADA consideration for those whom the City of Boston seeks to provide such care on its wholly-owned Long Island.
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You should have Seen the DPW worker leaf blowing the area around cityhall today in the rain !!!!!! I didn’t know a leaf blower vs.Mother Nature Was That Important !!!!!
In case you may have missed it, Quincy Quarry has both long and often reported on how Felix Unger is surely impressed with Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six’s obsessiveness.
And as for further insights, consider reading the Caine Mutiny as well as be sure to note Queeg’s obsession with TWO marbles.
Fyi, blowing leaves in the rain helps them dry faster.
It rained all day. SMH.
Harvey, I’m fully aware that idiots run our city. More than one in their makeshift office would constitute a circle jerk.
Another BS hearsay hit job story with zero evidence.
FYI, the mayor’s office has a spokesperson that is always available for questions and comments.
Moreover, the City of Quincy honors Freedom of Information Act requests and eagerly cooperates with real journalists.
How about collecting facts before reporting FAKE rumors?
Porky was so triggered he forgot to add his stupid pro-Koch hashtags, LMAO.
I think you’re spot-on Ray. Here — I’ll provide a couple for him:
#Kneepadboy #Kochsucker
He’ll appreciate the attention to detail,
And Porky doesn’t seem to grasp the obvious fact that rumors, whether true or false, are all REAL rumors. He’s such a dunce.
Mr Chop.
Quincy Quarry’s narrative is consistent with multiple independent resources.
Additionally, considerable particulars were noted in the Quarry’s overage. That a particular name was not named was done primarily to protect Quincy Quarry’s sources.
At the same time, it should not take much for most locals, other than you that is, to figure out the name of the unnamed person.
Further, this individual is free to speak up if he so desires.
And as for Mayor Koch’s point of contact for inquiries is well-known for his ingenuousness and worse to those in the know — so much so that some enjoy catching City Council meetings just to see him shovel it.
Next, a Quincy Quarry staffer has a perfect record receiving responses from the Koch Maladministration responding to Public Records Requests, HOWEVER, the city’s responses typically only happened after roughly nine months time on average for a very standard specific city document tied to the city’s annual outside after multiple follow-up requests, including often also multiple letters sent by the Massachusetts’ Secretary of State’s Public Records request compliance unit insisting that the documents be provided forthwith.
At this point, this annually produced document is not posted on the City of Quincy’s website, although not the most recent ones nor are the most recent external audits of the City’s books.
And as for facts, Quincy Quarry is currently working on even more aspects of this story.
Finally, at the end of the day facts are stubborn things as well as that they often tend to undercut, if not also emasculate, the flaccid assertions of the Koch Maladministration
Oh, how would YOU know it’s “Another BS hearsay hitjob with zero evidence.” Eh, Piggy? Why don’t you just come up for air and provide some evidence to support your claim. You nitwit.
Support my claim, Louie? I did not author the fabricated hit piece!
Pssst . . . Piggy . . . I’m not talking about the “fabricated hit piece”. I’m talking about your CLAIM that it’s a fabricated hit piece. You can’t prove it and you can’t support your own statements. Admit it — you’re a failure.
Disgraceful. This person needs to be unmasked, and if these serious allegations are proven true, this man needs to be fired!
Sexual assault is no joke.
Connie is correct. “The Hack” should be named in this QQ story.
Please accept the following two reasons why the Quarry dd not out the groper.
One, Quincy Quarry’s Standards and Practices desk said no as it is has no interest in wasting time and energy fighting doomed to eventually fail libel nuisance suit(s) and thus drew the line at a point where figuring out who is the groper is a rather easy to solve after dinner parlor game.
And the other: Quincy Quarry left outing the name of the groper to one of its Boston brethren per the Quarry’s SOP for sharing breaking badly bad news© in the Q with other media.
Thanks for your response Editor!