– Image of a Siberian Yupik Eskimo harpooning a not endangered Bowhead whale for food via Almany
– News about Quincy Massachusetts covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

“Spring” happens …
Image via Science Photo Library
The spring warm up in local news hit the Quarry like the first wave of pollen without having any Claritin® on hand.
So much so that the advance e-distribution of the Weekly Fish Wrap to subscribers of the Fish Wrap Newsletter missed the rigid software deadline for its e-transmission.
As amends of a sort, Quincy Quarry is now announcing that it will soon be publishing not just one but two of its arguably biggest exposés in its just short of nine years of continuous busting the stones of the Koch Maladministration and certain of its various hack coat holding hangers on.
In the meanwhile news of last week published by the Quarry included Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch finding himself in a hole of his own digging when he stepped in it when he reiterated his plans to fill in the Ruth Gordon Amphitheater in Merrymount Park after earlier various of his minions announced that the plan had been shelved in the face of considerable as well as well-warranted local outrage.
Granted, the amphitheater could use around a hundred to a couple hundred thousand dollars in repairs to address long-deferred maintenance at the City of Quincy’s only dedicated venue for the performing arts.
Further problematic for Quincy’s every increasingly problems-laden mayor, Mayor Koch has yet to actually detail plans plans to spend surely many to tens of millions more to instead build some sort of other performance facility in Quincy Center so as to throw even more millions to the roughly $300 million already spent and authorized to be spend so as to yet again endeavor to jump start his long-foundering plans for A New Quincy Center.
At best, the mayor conditionally noted that he “may” commission yet another banal statue so to offer up thin gruel to honor Ms. Gordon, a Quincy homegirl who was always loyal to her hometown, profoundly humbled by the honoring of her by the City of Quincy building and dedicating the amphitheater with her name, as well as was one of the best comedic actresses ever to perform on both stage and screen.
Needless to say but which the Quarry must note, Mayor Koch’s latest Q-up arguably again exposéd his long suspected problems dealing with strong and able females, including now two long dead ones.
Next up last week was yet another pedestrian by a motor vehicle.
This at least the fifth such whacking of a pedestrian in Quincy since the start of February happened along East Squantum Street as well as was a hit and run.
Even more troubling is that so far no official word has been offered up by officials as to this latest pedestrian whacking, much less any words as to the condition of the struck pedestrian and/or if the alleged hit and run driver has been nabbed by the police.
And as for some perhaps possibly good news in Quincy for a change, word of a tentative agreement to replace the teachers’ now former contract which expired last year was announced late last Friday afternoon, such to ratification by union local members.
Quincy Quarry published an extended feature on the differences between the teachers’ asks and the woefully thin counters that the School Committee which is headed by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch has steadfastly held to, however, so far details as to what is in the new contract have yet to be made available to the general public.
When details are finally unveiled, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to report on them as might be appropriate.
In the meanwhile, word on the street suggests that Mayor Koch looks to have blinked when it became unarguably clear that local teachers were not going to back down in any significant way from their entirely reasonably and ultimately modest new contract asks.
And for late breaking breaking badly bad news©, Quincy’s City Hall almost went up in flames when a privately-owned box truck parked next to City Hall in the VIP parking lot for senior Koch Machine suits’ personal rides burst into flames and as was then captured on video by one of Mayor Koch’s sisters and then shared with WBZ Channel 4.

Emergency worker taping up cracked glass to stabilize it until it can be replaced
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
Fortunately, the fire was put out with only the truck destroyed but not before at least one other Greater Boston area broadcast television news crew came to the Q to do a live remote at the scene of the fire.
Further, as well as even more problematic for local taxpayers, while the modest damage done to City Hall – mostly but some of its glass panel exterior panels were fractured by a combination of first suffering heat from the fire and then cooling by water hosed on it by firefighters to fight the fire – will all but assuredly be covered by the truck owner’s liability insurance, one can only assume that the fire will likely rekindle Mayor Koch’s pimping of his couple hundred million “Edifice Complex” of a plan to build a sixteen story building, the tallest in Quincy, for use as a combined new home for both City Hall and Quincy College.
After all, the site for this koched-up nine figure dream has already been unilaterally bought by the mayor in with Federal ARPA funds even though such use of these federal funds does not appear to comport with the feds’ guidelines for the use of these funds as well as that such a unilateral purchase would clearly appear to have been made in violation of applicable Massachusetts General Law.
Further, this problematic purchase was made after the Quincy City Council refused to approval the mayor’s request for a $23 million local bond issue to buy the property needed to site his proposed municipal tower as but the first step in a likely to cost a couple hundred million koched-up project at the time when it is soon going to become apparent that the City of Quincy is facing a serious financial crisis given Mayor Koch’s out of control addiction to no longer available low interest rate bond debt so he has so have money to support his both profligate and free-spending spending jones.
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