The bovine byproduct continues to pile up even higher and thus deeper.
Image via the San Jose Mercury News
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s on the down low plans to fill in and so destroy the Ruth Gordon Amphitheater that was built in honor of this Quincy homegirl who was a renowned star of film and the stage ended up with the mayor instead finding himself in a hole.
How deep a hole?
Not only did Yahoo News pick up the Southshore broadsheet’s coverage of Mayor Koch’s stepping in it for sharing on its massive worldwide web platform, the local weekly tabloid also covered the story even though it did not duly address how both close the mayor had sleazily come to filling in the outdoor theater without only proper public input into his plans as well as also absent proper authorization to do so or merely but minimal public notice.

Generalissimo el Jefe Alcade Tomas P. Koch
A Quincy Quarry News Photoshop Phun Team meme
Even so, Quincy Mayor Koch then doggedly posed that while his plans to fill in the amphitheater are now on hold, he is still planning to eventually see the amphitheater filled in and Ms. Gordon eventually honored and probably with yet another statute somewhere else in Quincy.
So what, apparently, for the fact that amphitheater built in her honor is a perfect tribute for an actress, as a child Ms. Gordon loved spending her free time enjoying Pageant Field as well as the larger Merrymount Park where the field and now the amphitheater are located.
So what also for the fact that Quincy’s peerless mayor does not have an actual plan in place, much less have any funding in place, to fashion a replacement tribute so as to duly honor Ms Gordon. Rather, he but mentioned in passing of perhaps yet another statue,
Accordingly, Mayor Koch so violated the First Rule of Holes by his not stopping his digging of a hole of his sole digging as well as continues to plan on bulldozing his plans to fill in the amphitheater at a later date.

Remember the Ladies protester<br?>A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Assumed viable Plan B by Mayor Koch to do his will anyway notwithstanding, albeit later, Quincy’s Good Old Boy mayor and his team of all but also good old boys yet again raised the ire of local women by the mayor’s planning to yet again diss a local female of stature.
So what for that fact that if anyone should be concerned about finding himself in a hole both in general as well as with perhaps as much as half of the local electorate on just this matter along during what is a mayoral election year, it should be Quincy’s peerless mayor.
After all, one would think that he learned his expensive lesson over his kicking Abigail Adams, the second First Lady of the United States as well as arguably the United States’ at least first prominent feminist, to the curb.
That and given the mayor’s more recent finding himself duly taken to task by the mostly female teachers union local over his failing to consider the union’s only reasonable requests for revisions to added to a new contract contract to replace the old one which expired last year reflect so as to only reasonably reflect increases in their teaching workloads.
After all, next to no one is going to work harder for no additional money, especially when inflation is near historic highs as well as that it is a seller’s market for qualified teachers to move on to new positions at other districts where they can score both better pay as well as be more appreciated for their efforts to help educate children who are the basis for our future.
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98% of Quincy’s teachers have cast a vote of NO CONFIDENCE for Generalissimo Koch.
As most taxpayers have cast their vote of NO CONFIDENCE for Quincy Public School teachers.
In regards to the story, either make the Ruth Gordon Amphitheater handicap accessible or fill the hole and find an alternate location.
Americans with Disabilities Act compliance could readily be retrofitted for short money to this faculty that built before this was enacted and is thus exempt from compliance. Granted, Mayor Koch will say it will cost a fortune. Then again, he does have a reputation to running up the cost of municipal infrastructure project.
“As most taxpayers have cast their vote of NO CONFIDENCE for Quincy Public School teachers.”
Show us the numbers Ray, give us a citation for that.
Be kind to Ray/Ray because he’s cray cray.
What does that have to do with this subject matter?
Correct! Posted on wrong article.
Rarely do I agree with the mayor; however, in this instance, I think it is time to fill that dangerous and rarely-used hole. I think if put to the vote, most users of the park would agree
With all due respect, while the Koch Maladministration has talked up how the Ruth Gordon Amphitheater is dangerous, it has to date failed to document this claim.
Also note that the sorry maintenance of this charming performance space has been appalling during the over fifteen years of Mayor Koch’s tenure in office as well as his roughly decade before that as the city’s Parks and Recreation Commissioner.
So what apparently for the fact that the amphitheater borders the now-Natural Resources Department’s country club of a headquarters and its corporation yard.
Also note that the sorts of programming that used to be offered at the amphitheater were long ago moved to in and around City Hall so as to pimp the mayor’s stupendously expensive ($300 million spent to date and still counting on underused infrastructure, overpaid consultants and koched-up payroll) but foundering efforts to see a new Quincy Center happen.
So what for the fact that there are no performance space facilitates in Quincy Center, much less anything comparable to the amphitheater that can readily accommodate at least a handful of hundreds of people as well as has ready and easily accessed free parking nearby.
Who knew there were horseshoe pitches and bocce courts there at the country club. Are these open to the public? Where are they hidden?
The last I looked last summer or maybe the one before it, there were horseshoe shoes and bocce facilities at Pageant Field.
They are off to the side close to the fence for the Park and Rec compound about a third of the way from the covered picnic pavilion to Black’s creek. Not all that well maintained, however, nor have I ever noticed anyone every using either of them them over the years.
There also used to be a beach volleyball sand court that was dedicated to someone from a great local family. Its subsequent disappearance is a whole other as well as also disgraceful story.