– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Shortly before winter wound down and spring commenced at 5:24 pm on Monday, the first quarter of 2023 ended with yet another pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle in Quincy per the ear of Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Police Scanner Monitor.
This pedestrian was whacked on Coddington Street near the YMCA.
Quincy Quarry duly dispatched someone to endeavor to take pictures of this latest pedestrian whacking; however, by the time the Quarry peep arrived at the scene the victim has been packed off to a hospital and police had otherwise cleared the scene.
One positive sign, however: the Quincy Police Accident Reconstruction Team was not on the scene and thus indicating that the victim was probably not gravely injured, much less dead.
Conversely, a previous pedestrian whacking that occurred at nigh on the last day of February in the vicinity of Scammel Street and Quincy Avenue gave rise to a dsiptching of the Quincy Police Department’s accident reconstruction team to the accident scene as well as an extended traffic diversion around it.
No official word of what happened to the whacked pedestrian has been provided by any city official, however.

Still no official comments outta “The Beav”
A City of Quincy head shot
Additionally, just last month alone were apparently less bad pedestrian whackings, including one inflicted by a tow truck on or near Franklin Street in southeast Quincy and yet another somewhere along or at least near Copeland street but for which details heard by the Quincy’s police scanner monitor are fewer.
Regardless, one can only reasonable assume that the lack of officially reported word of this pedestrians whackings is likely lulling locals into a false sense off safety during what is surely but coincidentally a local election year.
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The Quincy Police gave up on traffic enforcement due to equity.
Quincy cops pretty much through in their ticket books during the height of COVID pandemic. Beer runs haven’t been a challenge for me since 2020.
Pay attention; only white drivers get traffic tickets nowadays.
Another Quincy Quarry racist.
Accidents happen, especially in a busy CITY.
Further, it is not Chief Keenen’s fault when people drive wreckless.
Chief Keenen does a fantastic job leading our brave protectors and running a top-notch police department.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Take your haterade elsewhere. Smoky and I are good ole boys who have never been ticketed in Quincy even though we aren’t Friends of Koch campaign contributors or otherwise koched-up.
“Further, it is not Chief Keenen’s fault when people drive wreckless.”
So, Piggy, you’re saying that it’s not Keenan’s fault when people drive without having wrecks.
The spelling and correct usage, however, would be ‘recklessly’, you dimwit.
It’s the Chief’s fault and glory for everything. Why he gets the big salary.
“The Beav” is just running out the string until he has to retire soon. In fairness, the QPD does a good job of responding to police calls but at best does a so-so job of preventing problems. For example, its traffic law enforcement efforts are, well, a joch and which is reflected by the local stats on motor vehicle strikes of pedestrians.