– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Late yesterday afternoon Quincy Quarry News personnel cruised some of ever-increasingly mean streets of Quincy to see what sort of proactive efforts might be underway in advance of last night into today’s bout of nasty winter weather.
As should come as no great surprise to many, if not most, long suffering locals, bupkis had been done.
Needless to say, the Quarry’s City Editor was thus expecting the worst to ten hand off to the weekend news crew this morning to exposé, especially as his arthritis was suggesting an ugly storm.

“Closing time, one last call for …”
An iconic Quincy Quarry News file photo
Instead, things played out differently as well as surely far more expensively staring right around closing time last night.
A Quincy Quarry News Citizen Traffic Monitor who is also a night owl spied something gobsmacking.
In fact, something utterly gobsmacking from his prime vantage point adjacent to the intersection of two major local arterial streets near the DPW corporation yard on Sea Street.
What the Quarry’s Citizen Traffic Monitor saw around closing time last night was a massive rollout of snow and ice equipment ranging from plow trucks, various sorts of salt-spreading vehicles, and even most inexplicably backhoes care of both Department of Public Works’ vast fleet of city rides as well as outside snow and ice contractors’ vehicles.
So heavy was the trafficking of snow and ice clearing equipment late last night that Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Traffic Monitor could not drift off to sleep
So what, however, for the fact that barely a coat of slush was accumulating on lawns with even less slush to be seen on pavement.
Then again, what with a mayoral election this coming fall and given a paucity of snow this year, the Koch Machine has both plenty of reasons well has yet to be spent funds to endeavor to see that local streets were plowed along with filling various pockets that need to be filled in spite of the fact that not all much of the fallen frozen material t lasted very long after it hit the ground, if at all.
And as for how many snow and ice removal vehicles were on the road in Quincy late last night and into shortly before dawn this morning looked to be at least close to what is typically rolled out for upwards of a one feet deep snow event, not that such a massive rollout of equipment is able to handle a foot of snow all that well, however.
Then again, money makes the world go around as well as that in the City of Presidents dead presidents roll back and forth among various parties variously intertwined with the Koch Machine care of funds all but literally picked from the pockets of local taxpayers.
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#SafeStreets #StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Just last week alone there were at least two armed robberies in Quincy as well as a pedestrian whacked near Gennaro’s. Do you feel lucky punk?.
Was the Quarry too busy making crap up about our ELECTED mayor to cover the alleged two armed robberies and car wacking?
#SafeStreets #StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Mr. Chop,
Did you miss this Quincy Quarry coverage on one of the two recent dangerous weapons incidents in Quincy?
And as for both the other dangerous weapon incident as well as the latest pedestrian whacking, misthink what you may but the Quarry does not publish stories unless it has sufficient corroboration.
Unfortunately, the City of Quincy is not exactly forthcoming about a variety of things that would surely be of interest to locals if they were only properly disclosed.
Get a life! #Koch2024
Another Koch sucker.
We got a big one next week. Last chance, the you’ll have to answer where’s the money? Where was the snow? The DPW needs to hold a prayer meeting to ask the almighty to bring snow dollars to Quincy.