– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Double your pleasure, double your fun …
Image via Ouora
While last night’s expected to be biggest local snow event of the year to date turned out to be a slushy mess that mostly melted by mid-afternoon, intrepid and insufferably persistent personnel at Quincy Quarry News scored not just one but two exposés today.
One discovery: Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six has not but two Kubota mini tractors and a walk-behind mini-snowplow, but also a third mini-tractor.
Then again, nothing is too extravagant for Quincy’s profligate mayor.

Two mini tractors, left; a third tractor and the mini snowplow, right.
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News images
Granted, the Generals Parks opened up seventeen months ago but which few locate on a map if their lives depended it, two mini tractors are still likely more than enough to service both Generals Park and Kim Jung Koch Plaza with the walk behind plow, along with other expensive pieces of equipment, arguably at least superfluous.
Unknown, however, is if the additional mini-tractor was funded with Quincy Center District Improvement Fund tax revenue or from federal ARPA COVID recovery aid.
After all, it is not as if the Koch Maladministration is going to be readily transparent about the funding source on anything it oh so freely spends tax dollars if it can duck doing so, especially if it is so questioned by Quincy Quarry News.
And as for the other exposé, Quincy Quarry photo documented that Snow Team Six cleared a modest pile of snow piled up this morning in front of Old City Hall before lunch time today.

One could see the snow pile at 9:05 AM, left; however, at 11:42 AM one cannot see the snow pile, right
Conjoined Quincy Quarry News exclusive images
Apparently, the Koch Machine suits were not amused by Snow Team Six’s yet again dropping the plow both again this year as well as it did last year at Kim Jong Koch Plaza.
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Another stupid story that your six unemployed readers will j#erk off to. If it is not national ice cream or cookie day, it is only more hate on our city’s workers and ELECTED officials.
I can not wait for Mayor Koch to be sworn in for another glorious term.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Another load of hyperbolic jackassery from kneepad boy.
Another POS hater is chiming in with yet another gay-hate reference.
What is with you people and kneepads and boys?
If you can not see these fake stories for what they are, then you are the problem.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Just responding to the misanthropic garbage from Piggy, the Koch-sucker. No doubt you think your dear leader must be pleased to see such a fine representation his ideas and policies.
Wise to back off, Fred.
Remember, Bill Phelan, lost his bid for mayor – big time. Why is that?
The reality is Quincy has never looked and felt better, but you know this!
Thomas P Koch has made all the right moves. His admin attracted quality developers who have transformed Quincy from run-down to high-end.
Mayor Koch has attracted new businesses to Quincy, creating numerous good-paying white and blue-collar jobs.
Housing, forget about it. The city’s rental and housing markets are on fire!
Our parks and rec areas are the envy of many municipalities.
Hungry? How about all the excellent and diverse restaurant choices residents and out-of-towners have today?
Parking? How about all of the handy and available parking surrounding Quincy Center?
Further, our police and fire departments are well-trained, staffed, and equipped, making Quincy a VERY safe city.
The state of our city has NEVER been stronger!
Many here need to get a life instead of hating on our fine city.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
One small detail this “intrepid” reporter omitted is that all the equipment he listed HAVE WHEELS, a fact that renders each piece portable.
Are those pieces of equipment stored in City Hall 24/7/365 or are they transported from the DPW to City Hall to begin their duties and then radiate outwards to clear the busiest section of the city?
I haven’t responded to any of your past drivel because, to be honest, your animous filled, third grade prose is just not worth my time. However, if you want to do make a positive contribution, next winter storm go to City Hall and try shoveling some snow instead of the manure you regularly shovel
Mr. Bakzak,
Please note the following.
None of the equipment you referenced have license plates. As such, they should not be driven on local streets. Accordingly, if any of them end up in a road accident, the City ends up SOL with only how SOL situationally dependent.
Next, while Quincy Quarry has not tasked an intern to monitor the equipment you have referenced 24/7/365, Quarry staff all but invariably long and often this equipment in and around City Hall during weekday daytime worktimes and all manner other times as well as seen this equipment rolled in and out of the 20 foot seagoing style cargo storage containers long parked between the Quincy Center MBTA station and the City Hall VIP parking lot.
And for using this equipment elsewhere around Quincy Center, the sidewalk along the now City-owned Munroe Building next to CIty Hall is typically ill-cleared of snow after a storm. Even worse, the sidewalks around the main library are all but invariably ill-cleared after a snow event and then often so freezes over for often days thereafter,
Finally, have you ever seen the likely 30-plus year old beater of a one person mini snowplow used by the City of Quincy along Washington Street and other streets in and around City Hall?
You’re basically saying nothing — just copying from a script — over and over and over. Sounds like a “press release” from the mayor’s office? Let us know if you ever have an original thought.
For the record, Fred, I do not work for the city. I have never met Mayor Thomas P Koch, nor do I have any family or friends employed by the city.
I live, work, shop, dine, and regularly walk in the city.
Comments from out-of-towners as you drive me to comment and share REAL facts to counter the hate spread on this forum.
Sorry if my experiences and opinions offend you and others who comment on these sh#t Quarry posts!
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Tired, boring propaganda. You have no credibility.
Your right, Fred, the Quincy Quarry is anti-Quincy propaganda and has no credibility.
And there it is — a childish, inane response. You’ve confirmed your intellectual capacity.
When you’re not repeating Koch propaganda, you have nothing intelligent to say. Then again, when you are repeating Koch propaganda you have nothing intelligent to say.