– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Plenty of salt on residential street but fill potholes and pavement cracks not so much
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Quincy dodged a snowball.
The forecast consensus that 93 would be the line separating accumulation of snow and slushy snow instead saw the line shift westerly and so sparing Quincy.
Additionally, what did fall on Quincy arrived later than expected last night.
As such, the brining of a number of local streets looks to have proven adequate to melt the late arriving steady but ultimately modest slushy snowfall as of 7 AM today.
Further, as the temperature warms today, any further accumulation on paved services is not likely.
In fact, per a Quincy Quarry Citizen Snow Monitor in usually all but ignored Houghs Neck during a snow event comes word of a plow and salt spreader truck just driving about with its plow up as well as not spreading salt as streets in the Neck are for the most part mostly wet rather than snow-covered.
Further, so minimal was the snow accumulation that Quincy Public Schools are on a regular schedule today even though classes at both Quincy College’s Quincy and Plymouth campuses were cancelled as well as that three of the four public school districts adjacent to Quincy have opted to delay the start of their school days.
In short, not only are local youth not looking at any time out of school today, much less much in the way of snow for building snowpeople or making snowballs, Quincy Quarry’s sled dogs continue to not be hooked into their traces to then go sledding.
On the bright side for some, however, local snow and ice clearing personnel scored some easy money during a winter where such revenue has been as sparse as the snowfall this winter.
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There was more salt than snow.
Snowpeople, lol, the Quincy Quarry has gone woke!