This week was a slow news week in the Q as, among other things, this week was winter school vacation week.
Plus, the Koch Machine looks to have likely hunkered down this week.
The suspected reason for apparently hunkering down?
Continuing to take heat over La Kocha Nostra’s proposal to grift a certain other local “family” with an all but assuredly nine figure solid.
The solid?
Extending their sweetheart deal of lease on lease of roughly two hundred and forty acres of city property, land that underlies the high end and semi-private golf course by roughly seventy-eight more years even though the special interests are clearly in readily arguable default on various significant lease terms.
That as well as also all but assuredly dropping serious change on other funds that the mayor finds beneficial to his various agendas and so see his will accomplished even if many to most local residents often do not endorse his agendas.
Even so, slow week this week notwithstanding, Quincy Quarry News was still able to unleash yet another exposé to the stones of the Koch Maladministration.
Or, to be more correct, an inexcusable fail by Kim Jung Koch Plaza’s Snow Team clear a but most amount snow and ice in and around Quincy’s two city halls after Thursday night’s snowfall in the wake of the snow team’s somewhat less sloppy job of taking care of Wednesday night’s more modest and slushy storm.

Snow Team Six even failed to clear the snow off of the mayor’s leather upholstered city ride
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
Apparently Snow Team Six must have been too tired from the Wednesday into Thursday morning modest slush event to be up for dealing with the Thursday night into Friday’s but a bit more snowy and slushy storm.
That or perhaps just opted to take a personnel day to enjoy one day off during winter school vacation week.
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There must be something terribly wrong. Today I see that brine has been slathered all over the streets, particularly the main streets. This is unusual — it’s usually applied days before a storm or during or after the storm. Or not at all. I just can’t figure it out.
Quincy Quarry was working up a brine story when you posed your question. This Quarry story has since been published.