– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry has long seen potholes filled in the wake of its often hard-hitting exposés.
Now, however, an especially large pothole was filled before Quincy Quarry News got around to featuring it in yet another hard-hitting to the stones Quincy Quarry exposé.
After all, with what all happens in Quincy, some things disappear as well as often in potholes.
in any event, will wonders ever cease?
Not likely.
Not likely at all.

A nasty sinkhole pothole within a pavement patch before image
A January 22, 2023 Quincy Quarry Photo Recon Team Six image
Plus, Quincy Quarry News has long known that various city employees follow the Quarry for its pothole and other exposés.
In particular, not only how some Kochsters are surely tasked to follow the Quarry so that CIty Hall can not only try to endeavor damage control, but also how a number of other city employees regularly enjoy Quincy Quarry exposés, especially certain members of Local 1139.
At least so long as the shade thrown by the Quarry does not fall upon them..
In fact, some are also sources of dimes dropped the Quarry so long as they are not exposéd.
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“Tommy, we have a problem.”
Image via The Ledger Image via The Ledger
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