Quincy Mayor Tom Koch taken to task twice at City Council meeting, including over a seven-figure lie
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

Generlissmo el Jefe y Alcalde Tomas Koch
A Quincy Quarry Photoshop Phun Team meme
Last night’s City of Quincy City Council meeting was expected to be a quick and for the most part uneventful meeting that was scheduled to feature little more than a council resolve asking the Koch Maladministration to explain why it had yet to hire a council-approved and budget-funded hire of a Community Liaison Position and Equity official.
That and the resolve also asked the maladministration to explain how the mayor’s Inclusion Commission has both operated behind closed doors but has yet to have released its said to be completed working plan to address the ongoing spate of racially-based problems which have been chronically plaguing Quincy and Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch in particular.
At the same time, however, the tacit expectation for the requested answers was to not expect them to be answered anytime soon given the Koch Machine’s propensity for stonewalling.
Most unexpected, however, was a bomb dropped by Quincy at Large City Councilor Anne Mahoney on the latest apparent round of real estate legerdemain foisted by the Koch Machine.
A huge bomb in fact as she so exposéd a $1.8 million lie promulgated by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch.
Actually, multiple sorts of canards and arguably worse in the whole of the mix.
The arguable major source of explosive material in the bomb: Mayor Koch was quoted in the local weekly tabloid last week that his latest on the down low buy of real estate, a private parcel of land next to Quincy District Courthouse, last month was funded with what little was left of the $46 million American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”) COVID recovery funding provided to Quincy by federal government and which Mayor Koch has long been tapping to enable his arguable compulsive spending disorder was untrue.

The Koch Maladministration’s city planning software
Image via Electronic Arts
That and how this latest purchase of the property by Mayor Koch also enabled his long-suspected as well as ongoing delusion that he believes that he is a combination of Robert Moses and former President Donald Trump when it comes to urban planning and real estate development.
As it turned out, however, apparently Koch had already burned through or otherwise committed the last of the ARPA funds.
Accordingly, with his ARPA piggy bank empty, Mayor Koch instead tapped Quincy Center District Improvement Fund (“DIF”) redevelopment funds to fund his latest controversial unilateral land buy in apparent violation of Massachusetts General Law, local ordinances, perhaps also the DIF bond indenture agreement as well as other germane agreements.
Succinctly for but a starter, DIF funds are supposed to only be used to facilitate the enhancement of the economic viability of long underdeveloped Quincy Center even if its viability is at best meso meso even after Mayor Koch has seen a total of north of $300 million in various sorts of ultimately taxpayer-funded funds spent on infrastructure, consultants, paychecks, and various other things within the special Quincy Center redevelopment district but which the Koch Administration has long refused to detail in the hope that new development will
While admittedly some development has come to Quincy Center, it has to date been nowhere near enough to cover the nut on the DIF debt incurred to date over the life of this debt’s debt service.
Particularly troubling as regards but one example of koched-up problems with redeveloping Quincy Center is how one prime and large parcel of city land that was all but given away to a favored, if not also connected, developer after likely millions in DIF funds were spent to clean up old haz mat spills on the parcel has seen (at least, ed.) three redevelopment proposals collapse.
One would think that free land would provide a developer with a huge advantage, but apparently not.
Returning to Mayor Koch’s apparent latest tapping of DIF funds to fund his latest real estate buy, his announced plan to have an outside operator operate the building as a venue for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
There are at least several problems with these latest grift.
While posing a laudable offer to help those struggling with alcoholism, an official as well as dedicated public facility for AA meetings defeats AA’s core tenant of autonomous for its meeting participants.
Plus, more than a few AA meeting participants surely suffer a manner of shakes whenever near Quincy District Courthouse.
Additionally, as well as again, DIF funds are supposed to be used to redevelop the economic viability of long downtrodden Quincy Center whereas a dedicated AA meeting site, as helpful as such might be for local residents, is not an economic benefit consistent with the various regulations governing DIF urban redevelopment programs.
Whether or not this also rises to the level of misuse of funds, however, remains to perhaps be seen.
In any event, as well as needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to follow this as well as all but innumerable other stories and report on its findings as soon as practicable.
For example, is the Revere Road land next to the courthouse actually planned to be used as bait to encourage the state to go with building a new Quincy District Courthouse roughly within its current footprint and a few to be added adjacent properties so as to head off the courts relocating to, say, a currently undeveloped and large parcel in Crown Crown Colony?
After all, Crown Colony has long featured shuttle service to and from the Quincy Adams MBTA Red Line station and which also hosts some bus line service station as well as features ready access to 3, 93 and the 128/93/95 beltway.
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Will Police Chief Keenan arrest Mayor Koch for fraud?
As darkly amusing as it would be to so see the Beav have to arrest his brother-in-law, the possible bases for any such charges are probably more likely to be at least at the level of the State Attorney General, if not rising even further to the federal level.
What ever happened to putting the courthouse on top of the Quincy Center T station? That was another great idea …
What clearly appears to have happened to that particular bad idea among the many care of our peerless mayor was so expensive that not even Beacon Hill would fund it.
Plus, the then Chief Justice for Administration worked her way through law school as a financial analyst and thus surely spotted the wicked expensively obvious and thus did not need to bother all that much with reviewing all manner of just security sorts of concerns with the mayor’s pie in the sky over the Quincy Center MBTA Station courthouse proposal.