Quincy restaurants shut out of nominations list for prestigious James Beard Restaurant and Chef Awards
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

A feast for the eye as well as scrumptious!
Image via Sekali Boston
Long ongoing talking up of a considerable upgrading of restaurants in Quincy in recent years notwithstanding, Quincy restaurants were yet again not among the recently announced regional nominees for the prestigious James Beard Restaurant and Chef Awards.
Called the “Beardies” by some, the Beard Awards are the restaurant industry’s equivalent of Hollywood’s Oscars or at least television’s Emmys.
Talking up a considerable upgrading of the local restaurant scene notwithstanding, including Quincy Mayor Koch once seeing to the hiring of a restaurant reviewer and marketing pro to promote the local restaurant scene, yet again no Quincy restaurants were among the latest round of nominees.

Skinless chicken tenders!
Image via Vince’s Meat Market
While variously unconfirmed at this point, one cannot help but wonder if perhaps the Beard Awards nominations screening team may have heard word of gourmand Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s rumored favorite dish when dining out – skinless and broiled chicken tenders – and so viewed Quincy eateries accordingly.
If so, this would be a pity as Quincy does have a number of perfectly lovely places to dine even if not necessary upscale cloth napkin establishments or the usual more than generous purveyors of comfort food per the traditional expectations of old school Quincy diners.
In any event, check out the local Beardie nominations as well as all of the nominations nationwide to see if any peak your palate.
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