Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Vacay Weeks continue!
Image via Bretton Woods
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Vacay Weeks continue!
City employees enjoyed their third long holiday weekend vacay in four weeks this week!
Quincy Quarry, on the other hand, never takes a break from exposing the all but invariably breaking badly news of the Q.
For starters, how yet again the Koch Maladministration dropped the plow when Quincy was hit by a modest snowfall that was then followed by sleet and freezing rain.during the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday long weekend.
Local tow companies and auto body repair shops thus scored some serious business.
Reasons include that the Department of Public Works was slow to see snow cleared around the Q.
Conversely, however, Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six surely had the plaza cleared down to the pavement ASAP..
So what also for the fact that the snow fell over a holiday weekend and thus many locals were staying home with their covers pulled at least up to the heads and sleeping in as late as possible or were perhaps making “making bacon.”
Even so, as Quincy Quarry personnel never slack – unlike certain City of Quincy employees, the Quarry reported that potholes never take a day off and so reported on same.
Quincy Quarry News also concurrently reported a complaint on a particularly nasty tire and alloy wheel rim buster of a pothole near Quincy District Courthouse along the heavily trafficked Hannon Parkway/Revere Road/McGrath Highway traffic corridor.
In turn, not only will the Quarry now monitor how long it takes for the City of Quincy’s Department of Public Works to see this deep crater of a pothole filled, its latest intern has already reviewed old Google Maps street images and so found that this pothole is most likely care of a failed patch of an earlier pothole.
After all, we are talking the DPW’s Highway Division …
Also this past week, the Quarry reported on the sorry report cards of the local members of Quincy’s delegation in the state legislature.
Granted, while the grading criteria were skewed to the far left, all local statehouse members scored gentleman C’s. That and how one also cannot help but also wonder if they were passing notes during their final exams.
Then again, such grades were only to be expected as all of them are male whereas at least even the City of Quincy had one female among its hundred highest-paid employees in 2021, something which was only just recently addressed by the South Shore Broadsheet ten months later than its usually annual reporting of such information.
Needless to say, Abigail Adams surely continues to spin in her crypt underneath the Church of the Presidents opposite the boyos-filled two Quincy City Halls.
Speaking of boyos being boyos, Town of Weymouth officials hosed the City of Quincy by implementing a very cost-effective as well as user-friendly app for Weymouth residents to use to file important information about their residences so as to help Weymouth fire fighters better know what to expect when they respond to emergency calls – information such as the number of residents in the household. if anyone living at the residence is disabled and if so how, the number and sort of pets if any, if any high risk materials are on site, etc.
In turn, it is surely only but a matter of time before the Koch Maladministration announces a far more expensive and thus likely to be less, if not much less, cost-effective initiative involving the Quincy Fire Department.
After all, if Quincy’s peerless mayor is good at anything, it is for spending money.
Lots and lots and lots even more money even if far more often than not to less than worthwhile benefit for the taxpayers who provided the money.
Connected peeps, however, all too often conversely make out like the bandits they often all but formally have been found to be by the appropriate outside entities.

FYI, not my fault ...
A still image from a YouTube video
Plus, the City of Quincy’s Informational Technology Department is likely still working on seeing the city’s computer networks’ security enhanced to perhaps approaching 2020-vintage standards.
In short, as well as yet again, Only in the Quincy© …
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