Snow hits Quincy and local drivers are thus hitting things #mayorkoch
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– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Second but modest snowfall of this winter season notwithstanding, local drivers are yet again proving that they have forgotten to how drive on snowy and thus slick streets.
Even more embarrassing is how while last night’s snowfall was but barely but a modest one even if it was topped by sleet and then a bit of freezing rain.
Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Traffic Monitors report numerous fender benders by before mid-morning today even if today is a Monday holiday.
Along just Washington Street, not only are there no signs of at least treating the pavement with salt, such has surely in turn fueled multiple accidents.
For example, before 9 AM this morning there were already two accidents at the accident-prone and so also on occasion deadly intersection of Elm Street with Washington Street.
Further, Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Police Scanner Monitor heard a radio call dispatching police and fire assets to a vehicular tree strike in the vicinity at 569 Washington Street in the Quincy Point neigborhood.
Amazingly, this reported tree strike was not a whacking of one of the living trees located within the nearby landscaped area in the center of the rotary at the base of the Quincy side of the Fore River Bridge

One of Snow Team Six’s two rides salting Kim Jong Koch Plaza first thing in the morning
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo
At the same time, Quincy Quarry has yet to hear any independently corroborated reports of the City of Quincy seeing local streets at least salted, much less plowed.
In particular, there are no reports of any snow removal efforts by the city in Houghs Neck.
Then again, this is far from the first time the Neck has ignored by the City of Quincy.
Far from it as well as regards all manner of things as a matter of long standing fact.
- UPDATE: First snowplow spotted clearing Edgewater Drive at 1 pm this afternoon.
Even so, Snow Team Six surely yet again maintained its streak off seeing Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of Quincy’s two City Halls cleared down to its pavement by no later than shortly after sunrise, if not also before civil twilight.
After all, Kim Joch Plaza is one of the most well-lite as well as constantly so run of pedestrian walkways in the City of Quincy.
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