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– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
How laid low are Quincy locals?
For starters, the first round of 2023 Quincy property tax bills are hitting locals’ mailboxes.
Next up, the MBTA got off to its usual at the start of New Year locally when someone was trapped in a stalled elevator at the Wollaston Red Line station.
So what for the fact that this station’s elevators are only a few years old courtesy of a recent and only to be expected problematic, complete renovation of the station.
And as for New Year’s Eve excitement, the Quarry reported on the night’s spike in local activity that resulted in police responses.
Even so, this past week was otherwise for the most part a slow week for actually consequential or at least embarrassing news locally.
Then again, such is typically the case pervasively at least nationally during the week leading up to Christmas and then continuing through the week after the start of a new year.
Accordingly, it was in turn especially amazing that the Koch Maladministration did not endeavor to slip anything under the radar during the quietude of the extended holiday season.
Then again, what with back-to-back four-day workweeks as well as early closings of City Hall on both the Friday before Christmas Eve as well as again on the Friday before New Year’s Eve, one can only assume that perhaps the denizens off City Hall were too busy burning their gift cards shopping online and/or recovering from New Year’s Eve libations.

“Who me? I resemble that remark!”
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
In short, Quincy Quarry New’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers need not worry as The Koch Machine is what it is.
That and how regression towards the mean happens.
As such, count on machinations by La Kocha Nostra to heat up in the coming weeks even if the weather remains cold for the next several months.
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