Will Quincy’s peerless mayor be running for re-election this year?
– News about Quincy covered by Quincy Quarry News

The contempt at this polling place is palaable
An old photo
Local elections happen this coming fall, not to mention will be hitting the fan sooner than one might expect.
So far, Quincy’s peerless mayor has fobbed a not fooling anyone “no comment’ act as to if he plans to seek to remain in City Hall’s expansive as well as expensively carpeted imperial suite, not that this act nor any of his others acts have fooled anyone in the Quincy Quarry News newsroom nor surely also not many if anyone among the Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers.
After all, practically all of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s campaign fund expense reports list restaurant meals for campaign planning or campaign fund raising efforts as well as all manner of bills from campaign consultants. .
As such, whether or not he will be able to run for reelection is arguably the far more relevant question.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News is polling its readers for their thoughts so have at it!
Net/net, here’s hoping for change and thus a finally Happy New Year for long suffering locals come next year.
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