– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry News’ Police Scanner Monitor picked up word that the Chipotle in North Quincy was apparently subject to an armed robbery midday yesterday (Saturday).
Quincy Police Department radio chatter indicated that three said to be Asian males were involved in the heist.
Two were apparently packing handguns and the third perhaps carrying the money bag or was working as a lookout.
No word, however, if there was a getaway driver waiting outside in their ride.
While every most every available Quincy Police officer on duty initially rolled towards the scene when word of this alleged robbery was broadcast by Quincy Police Dispatch, dispatch had to quickly call off what initially was at least close to an all officers response.
The reason for the dispatch’s revised announcement: apparently the call about the purported robbery did come in until after the three alleged perps had fled the scene in what dispatch contemporaneously noted was a gray late model Toyota Camry.
Fortunately, there is some good news amidst this bad news: security cam video was recorded and so available to Quincy police detectives.
Time will tell, however, if Quincy police can either tell them apart and so then perhaps be able to identify them.
In the meanwhile, Quincy Quarry News’ Police Scanner monitor had a preliminary hunch.
Specifically, while a fast food restaurant is a softer target than a bank, such a three person armed robbery is high risk for serving hard time for a likely short money taken proposition and thus perhaps the robbers may have targeted a specific customer.

Quincy Police Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan
A City of Quincy head shot
For example, perhaps the armored robbers were shaking down a bag man who had stopped in for lunch after wrapping up the morning collections.
Regardless, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to monitor this breaking badly bad news© and then report on further developments as might be appropriate.
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Scary, an armed robbery at lunchtime. I remember when it was safe to go out for lunch in Quincy. Tom Koch has ruined our city.
How ironic; we just talked our daughter and son-in-law out of buying a house in Quincy.
Also, in 2023 my husband and I “hope” to sell our home of 31 years and move to the Cape.
More apartments, more illegal firearms.
Maybe the city should hire more Asian cops and fewer Koch and Keenen family members. Asian on Asian crime is a real problem and is rarely reported.
Ms. Chu,
More like hire a lot more of the former as well as others of color but no more of the later.
Corruption, guns, knives, drugs, money laundering, hundreds of homeless; Quincy has become a third-world border city.
And if the drugs, guns, and knives do not kill you, some stoned texting driver will!
According to a new report, eight New England cities have been ranked among the best places to live in America for the upcoming year. Quincy, again, was not one of the cities named.
BREAKING: Adapt Pharma – maker of NARCAN® – has named Quincy as the best city on the South Shore to overdose. At the same time, the U.S. Rub and Tug Association, made up of massage parlor owners from across the country, awarded the City of Quincy yet another Handy Award for its ready licensing of so many “message parlors.”
Ismael Mario Zambada Garcia, the long-time leader of the Zambada Garcia faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, says great things about Quincy.
Maybe the cartel will help Tummy pay for the proposed Adams Library.
Recreational marijuana should be taxed even more to pay for the Adams Presidential Library.