Former Fall River Mayor, now a Club Fed resident, loses appeal
A CBS Boston image
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
His criminal conviction appeal, that is.
Quincy Quarry has no idea how things are going for the showers.
Jasiel Corriea II was once a young political star after his first election to the office as mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts at the tender age of 23.
Now, however, Jasiel is a convicted felon given convictions over both financial fraud as well as taking bribes to grease the doling out of local marijuana licenses.
Correia was for a time able to delay his reporting to prison, however, after multiple court hearings, his luck finally ran out and he thus had to finally check into Club Fed Berlin NH in April to commence his six-year sentence.

Happier times for Jasiel!
A Big Dummy’s 2 Savage memes meme
Among the other things he will also be facing during his time in stir, his wife was still pregnant at last report and the expected child will in at least kindergarten before he might be able hold his child or enjoy some playtime.
Other corrupt politicians should thus take heed.
Will they, however, remains to be seen.
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Jasiel Correia was never the mayor of New Bedford.
You need a new proof reader.
Thank you for advising the Quarry about this erratum and which has so been corrected. The Quarry rarely travels to the South Coast as well as that most can really imagine how many might view these two cities as, well, synonymous.