– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Quincy Police Headquarters is located only a few hundred yards away from the fatal accident scene
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
After Quincy Quarry News was apparently the only media to report on a major traffic accident that occurred on a dark and stormy night Southern Artery’s intersection with McGrath Highway on Veterans Day, the Quarry now again scoops its competition with word of a pedestrian fatality occurring care of this accident.
A Quincy Quarry reporter obtained word of the fatality by buttonholing a first responder to confirm the fatality as it had not been possible to find any official notice of the pedestrian’s death.

Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” apparently MIA on this one
A City of Quincy head shot
At this point, it is the Quarry’s understanding that two cars were essentially traveling together and each struck a pedestrian with one of those so struck then dying
Especially troubling, the Quarry could not find any word out of either the Quincy Police Department or the Office of the Norfolk County District Attorney as is typical whenever a pedestrian is so struck and killed.
Granted, the accident occurred on a long holiday weekend; even so, no official word about this fatal incident nearly two weeks after it occurred is both disconcerting as well as only baits questions.
In the meanwhile, the Quarry has shared word of the apparently not officially disclosed fatality with certain of its media brethren.
Also, as well as needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal reader can count on the Quarry to continue to follow up on this troubling fatal incident and report back as might be appropriate, if not also well-warranted.
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I heard many rumors about this fatality last week as well as this one, but none appeared authentic. Now, however, QQ has yet again delivered.
The question now is did an EMS ambulance or perhaps a police cruiser run over the victims? Also, who scored the kill? The city needs to be transparent as to what happened.